Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Many Faces of Porter

Those are some pictures I took of Porter one day while he was being silly. Look at those eyelashes! To die for!

You only have 6 days left to vote for your favorite baby name. It looks like Gus and Claire are in the lead. Can't wait to see what the final outcome is! We still haven't decided how we are going to find out. Sometimes I don't want to know...

We're getting cabin fever here and have had about enough of the cold and snow. I think the boys are getting a little antsy to get outside but they can only stand in the freezing wind and snow for so long, then their eyelashes start freezing together and their noses burn. Oh to be in Mexico on a sandy beach right now!!!

1 comment:

  1. These are great pics!

    The baby on the baby counter gets creepier the older he gets.
