Monday, December 8, 2008

Trucks, Dragons, and Cars

Porter is getting his tonsils out on Wednesday. Of course, he would get strep throat 7 days before his surgery. He's done with antibiotics, so hopefully nothing happens in the next two days.

Last night he woke up and after a short conversation about needing something, he said, "now me have to go back to my dream about trucks and dragons, and cars."

This morning he was making a thank you picture for his grandma and grandpa - he drew a picture of a dog which actually slightly resembled a dog. Most of his previous pictures are a bunch of circles all connected and messy. After he was done with the dog and before he scribbled all over the page he said, "Now he needs a penis!"

Also, I found out that when someone "tags" you in their blog (Thank you Leah!) that you are supposed to write 5 - 8 things about yourself that not many people would know. So here goes:

1. I love blood and guts. I wish I would have gotten a tutor in chemistry in college so that I could have had a chance at going to medical school.

2. I miss my mother every second of every day.

3. I have three tattoos and would like one more.

4. I am afraid of heights, but love to fly.

5. I hate playing monopoly. But I love Yahtzee.

6. I get really nervous speaking in front of large groups, even though I was a public speaking instructor in graduate school.

7. I wrote my graduate thesis about the globalization of Latin music in the United States, and I could actually care less about it....shhhhh....don't tell Marwan Kraidy, my advisor.

8. I really have no idea what I want to be when I grow up...

And two more, just for fun....

9. My proudest moments were getting married to my wonderful husband, giving birth to my two of which was without an epidural and finishing a half marathon after having two kids!

10. I love doing taxes....isn't that odd?!


1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that about the tagging. I guess I'm up! Good luck with the tonsils:( Poor baby. I mean you! And of course your baby.
