Friday, December 12, 2008

Tonsils are no fun!

Porter had his tonsils out on Wednesday. Today is day 3. Apparently day 3 is the worst. He's been pretty good so far. We're trying to keep him hydrated and drugged up so that he doesn't have to go back to the hospital.

The day started with us going to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. The place is crazy busy with all sorts of kids and people and construction. Mortenson is actually doing some work there right now. Porter was in and out of surgery in about 15 minutes. The fantastic ENT, Dr. M, said his tonsils and adenoids especially, were enormous. So this was the right thing to do for him. Hopefully he will start to enjoy eating and gain a couple of pounds on his tiny little body.

His recovery in the hospital was not fantastic, but it was manageable. Tom and I stayed with him all day. And then I stayed with him overnight. Even though he had the wonderful medicine Zofran (used for nausea) he still threw up most of the day. So that made it a little harder on him. Porter did not like seeing the red light on his finger nor did he like it when the nurses came in. Eventually the nurses started bringing him things other than medicine, like toys and ice cream when they came to see him and he started to warm up to them.

At one point during the night, he said I was lying in his spot and he told me to go lay on the floor. So, I went and "tried" to sleep in the chair. Needless to say, I didn't sleep the entire night.

Meanwhile, Jack got to have Grandma Margie all to himself. They went for breakfast, went to the bookstore and had a great time! At one point Margie was looking for his hat and eventually found it and Jack put his arms in the air and said, "HAT!!!!!!" Too cute. Here are some pictures from the hospital.

Today, Porter said, "Me having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!" He also said he wanted to "get those yucky guys out of me." He has seen the Mucinex commercial where the mucus and germs are in that guys lungs, and he thinks those guys are in him right now and he wants them OUT!


1 comment:

  1. Poor thing. It must be so sad to see him. I hope he's feeling better today. We have to take Will to the ENT for huge tonsils too, and I'm scared! I've been putting it off.
