Thursday, October 2, 2008

Potty training the parents.

Porter is potty-trained. Let me correct that statement. Tom and I are potty trained. We are trained to ask Porter every 30 minutes if he has to go potty. He went in for his 3 year appointment and the doctor went through all the major things - does he know colors, can he count, can he say the alphabet, can he draw a circle and an x with a pencil....then the big one - "I notice he still has a diaper on?!" Well, yes he does. Because of all the transition and moving there just hasn't been a good solid time for us to do that. So we vowed that when we got settled in the new house we would start. So last week we started. It sucked, for the first few days. He wouldn't go #2 in the potty at all. We did the jelly bean bribe and since Porter loves j-beans it worked great for #1, but we needed more incentive for #2. It was all very frustrating. We tried everything; pick any toy at Target, wear Spidey undies, all the treats you can eat in one sitting...none of them worked, so I pulled out the big guns. I bought him a John Deere semi-truck with a dump truck on it and put it where he could see it. He went the next morning! He was so excited. It was the greatest moment. It's crazy to think that I get so excited over Porter going potty, but it was such a hard week last week, I thought we were all going to lose it. But, I think that waiting until he was 3 was the best thing. He's older and more mature and can vocalize what he needs to do.

We're pretty much settled, everything is on the walls. We actually put both cars in the garage last night! How exciting. Here are a couple of pictures I took (with the computer, gotta love the MAC), so if they are horrible, sorry. Haven't taken an outside pic yet, but will do it. soon.

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