Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Porter the Super Hero

Not only does Porter LOVE Superman, Spiderman and Batman, but he is a superhero himself. Having just moved into our house, I have not quite gotten used to having an attached garage. The boys got up from their naps and they were having a snack in their seats (kid chairs, high chairs, whatever you want to call them). I ran out to get the mail, and I did not realize that the garage door was locked...and so were the front door and patio door. After running over to the neighbors (who are great, by the way) to see if they had a key, which they didn't, we ran around trying to find a window to get into, and try and convince Porter to get out of his seat. Of course, we taught him not to climb out of his seat and didn't teach him how to get out. I ended up calling Tom worrying about what to do, in the mean time Porter and Jack are sitting in their seats, happily eating their snacks and juice. Porter tries to get out and can't and asks me to help him, which of course, I say, "I can't, I need you to help me." He finally figures it out and gets out and runs to the garage door and opens it! I can't tell you how proud I am of him! Not only is he doing a great job potty training this week (more on that another day), he SAVED THE DAY! Ah the joys of homeownership!

We will post photos of the new house as soon as I find the camera and the usb cables. I know they are here somewhere...Almost everything is done, we love the house. I have been going through lots of boxes in the basement and have found lots of cards and notes and letters from people over the years. I just can't bear to get rid of that stuff, it's so fun to look at. I also found lots of letters and cards from my parents which of course I will hang onto forever, I love seeing my mom's handwriting.

To the two people that actually read this, (I don't even think Tom does) thanks for reading!


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