Friday, July 18, 2008

Living out of boxes

So. Moving. Not so much fun. Thank you Jenn for reminding me to keep this updated. We just got "settled" into our temporary apartment in Wauwatosa, WI. It's actually a great little gated apt complex complete with a pool, dog run, workout room, tanning bed and FREE Starbucks coffee! Tom could not be happier, especially since our coffee maker is in storage. We currently have 4 plastic plates, a ton of plastic forks, no spoons, and at least 20 sippy cups - you can see where my priorities were when I was packing up our apartment stuff. All our goodies are in storage in Mpls until we find a house to live in. Porter and Jack have adjusted quite well, although Porter keeps asking if our new house is that one, or that one, or that one...

Jack is walking, using a real fork (I know, odd), and says about 10 understandable words, which is great, but he is also throwing tantrums, not so great!

Porter just learned the word and meaning of "WHY" and asks it every other second. He is adorable and loves helping Jack walk around by holding his hand and saying, "Come on Jackie, walk wif me." So cute!

I had a job interview today for an assistant swim coach - it would actually be pretty fun, but not very practical for us right now! Tom starts working on Monday, needless to say we are all a little stressed, worn out and nervous!

I'm currently sitting at the dog run with Rosie and Millie (free Wi-Fi at the Club House!) and there are tons of lightning bugs around and the dogs are amazed by them. They aren't quite sure what to do with them. Funny.

We are doing well. Will start adjusting and it will be a fun experience! We've already found the best place for custard, a restaurant down the street that overserves Tom cause he's so darn cute, Target, and all the necessities. We're on our way!

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