Thursday, June 12, 2008

When it rains, it rains...

You know all those Murphy's Law sayings. Those sayings were written directly for my family. Here's what I'm talking about....We put our house up for sale and were ready to move to Milwaukee...thought we had plenty of time, (in fact I didn't think it would sell, and we would just stay here and I could work at my job at school which was bumped up to full-time!) After about 50 days of our house being on the market "M" came to Tom and said they would like him to move to Chicago....4 days later we sold our house (thank you St. Joseph, buried deep in the garden in our backyard, head down), however, we now had a deadline of moving, but didn't know where we were going. Then, we had the inspection on the house (the day after the big hail storm, mind you), and found out we had radon in our house (no connection to the hail storm). Of course now I'm freaking out that I'm giving my children deadly amounts of the stuff and they are going to die....biggest cause of lung cancer in people who don't smoke. So, now we have to put a radon mitigation system in the house before the people move in - don't want them to live with deadly cancer causing agents. Then last night Tom heard a dripping sound above our room, hmmm, it was raining, there's a dripping sound, great - the ceilings going to crash down on us - leaking roof, bucket in the attic - hope the buyers aren't reading this....Now tomorrow morning we are flying to_______to look for a place to live so we are not homeless on July 17th. Thank you Margie and Terry for driving down on short notice to take care of the boys and the dogs!

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