Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mom Ramblings

1. Our anniversary was on Wednesday. I got Tom and iphone. He brought me sushi and flowers. Couldn't have been better!

2. We are designing our deck/patio today and spreading 3 yards of dirt and 10 yards of mulch and laying a small section of sod. I did a ton of it yesterday and I am plum tired. And my poor 'thrown from a horse degenerative disc back' hurts.

3. Did I tell you we went out on a Thursday night?! We did. We went to an auction and dinner for a fantastic group of artists! You need to check this out. They are absolutely amazing. Donna Lexa Art Center. There was a silent auction (which to me, are so stressful - will I be the last name on the list? Did I bid enough? Kills me.) and a live auction. It was my first live auction and I was so nervous! I bid on a few things, and we donated some money, but they were getting too rich for us! But it sure was fun! Can't wait to do a furniture auction.

4. I mowed the lawn yesterday with Gus in the Kelty on my back. He fell asleep the lazy bum.

5. I got this really cool mirror the other day and I can't wait to use my new Annie Sloan Chalk Paint on it. I can't show you though, because well, I don't want to complain about Blogger, but I can't upload any photos. So really I'm just teasing you with this info.

6. Since I can't upload photos, I can't show you the amazing before and afters that have been happening in my workshop (ha! garage....)

7. Off to move mulch. The key to good mulch laying is a steel pronged rake. Just thought you would want to know.

8. MG....this is for you. I can't send you an email back because you have your email set to 'no-reply blogger', so I have no way of responding. If you could change that, or if you could send me an email, that would be great! Then we can talk about that barn wood you found!

Ta-Ta for now.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about that, not sure if I know how to change it. I'm going to e-mail you, thanks so much for responding!
    p.s. I also sent a rambling on e-mail about furniture painting.
