Friday, May 27, 2011

Mom Ramblings #32

1. I'm moving. To Wordpress. We're working on it right now. Please come with me. You shouldn't have to do much to come with. Just don't go!

2. I'm thinking about doing this to our backsplash. I would really love to do old tin tiles, but I don't think that is going to happen. Unless I find a thousand smackers under my fridge, or in my oven. This is a sheet from Home Depot. And should only cost me about a hundred and fifty smackers to do our backsplash. Anyone done it? I think it is going to look cool. Hubs is in, as long as he doesn't have to do any work. Deal. Of course I'll show you when it's done.

3. The kids are on a reptile kick. They found a tree frog the other day and carried it around all day long. The darn thing even jumped across my kitchen floor. Porter traded it to the neighbor for a Zooble. Then she let it go. Who won that round?

4. Now they are trying to convince us to get a pet snake. Ha! Have I ever mentioned that Tom HATES snakes?

5. Porter got beat up by a table at school and he came home and his face was swollen and black and blue. The school never called me. I'm a little upset. And when I say swollen, it looks like he shoved two oranges in his cheeks.

6. My middle sister is PG. That's right, I'm spilling the beans. We FaceTimed her with our iPhones (LOVE technology) and we got to see her little belly. I cried. It's just such an amazing thing. They are going to make fantastic parents. Even if their baby has to sleep in the bathtub in their 600 square foot Brooklyn apartment....they should move home.

7. My Bridesmaid dress arrived for my youngest sister's wedding this summer. It's a convertible dress. Which does not mean that the top can come down with the push of a button. It means we can wear it a bunch of different ways. I think I'll try them all out, take a photo of each one, and then you can all decide which way I should wear it. That would be fun, right?! What do you think Lou?

8. My cheek/eye is still twitching.

9. The White Butterfly Furniture site is officially off blogger! We are now at You should have no problem following it and subscribing and RSS feeding over there to see all the furniture. If you so choose, of course. If you have problems, let me know. I'll try and help you out.


  1. I wanted a copper tin tile backsplash and couldn't afford it so I bought the wallpaper that looks like tin tile, painted it an orange brown color and then used the copper metallic glaze over it. After a couple coats of polycrillic gloss, I love it! I figure it cost $20 for the wallpaper that I only used half, $14 for the glaze that I only used a fourth, paint I had already and the polycrillic was $14 but I only used a fourth of it. So in total it was about $50 but I have more than half left over for other projects!
    I should do a tutorial on it. Here is a link to my kitchen reveal that shows it:

  2. Is wordpress the blog thing that is hard to comment on? Sorry I can't help with your twitch. Have a great weekend.

  3. I have had that twitch before and it's super annoying.

    I would totally be pissed about the school not calling and they deserve to get an earful from you about it.

    We have a turtle in the yard. Your boys would love it. I'll send you a picture of it or put it up on the blog

    Let us know how the wordpress thing goes.

    Congrats to your sister!

  4. Here you go...
