Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Turquoise table

First. You know I appreciate all the comments. Right? I do. I love them. That being said, unless you ask a question, do you expect a "thank you" or an acknowledgement when you comment? I'm just wondering, because I try and send a little thank you note back to my commenters. I'm not sure if it is necessary. It stresses me out a little to respond unless there is a question. When I comment on someone else's blog I don't expect a note back, I just don't think about it....but here's what's happening - I sit down to send a comment back and I've written back to no-reply comments about a million times. Because I fail to remember to look at the email address it is going to, I just hit reply. So, tell me, do you like it when bloggers reply to comments even when there isn't a specific question? Just wondering.

Onto the table. I got this table when I picked up the desk last week. I posted it as available on Facebook and it was grabbed right away. Why not?! It's awesome.

So, it started out like this:

And ended up looking like this:

Dreamy Lagoon from Rustoleum. I heart this color.

Beautiful. I put a couple coats of poly on top, since it is going to be used....a lot.

Happy color. Happy Wednesday!


  1. Warm.





    After seeing that table painted THAT color!

  2. as far as commenting on my comments...

    I do not expect any response unless I have a specific question. I figure we are all CRAZY busy in life and if the question gets answered: AWESOME. If not and I really NEED to know I will ask again.

    It's an added extra when folks comment on my comment. I tried doing that for every comment on my blog and just decided I CANNOT any more. Talk about STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way too much for me to do in a day!!!

    But I LOVE comments, of course! And I LOVE hearing from folks, too!

    And thanks for answering my question about the paint. I forgot I even asked...but I'm glad you answered because every time I see your work I'm always curious about how you paint the pieces! Thanks!!!


  3. Beautiful color choice! It looks fabulous! My take on comments, I don't think everyone who comments expects a note back. Some people get 100s of comments - can you imagine how long that would take?! =)


  4. Im glad you asked this question because I hardly ever respond. Unless like you, I'm asked a questoin:(
    let me know what the concensus is!!

  5. Love the color. It is one I would not have thought of using but I can see how it will make a lovely accent piece.

    I will reply to non-question comments sometimes but I don't feel it's a requirement at all. I also do not expect a reply to the comment unless, of course, I have asked a question.

    Have a great day! Again, very pretty table.

  6. I love the piece, I have one similar in my daughter's nursery. As for comments, I don't expect any back :-) it is nice but not necessary. If it is causing you stress, don't do it! We will love you just the same :-)

  7. Awesome piece ~ color is amazing!!!

  8. I detest no comment reply! Especially when someone asks a question. Really how am I supposed to answer? Don't answer that. lovin the table.

  9. Beautiful Table!
    I don't expect any responses to my comments unless it's a specific question. lol You've been very helpful in that area. :-)

  10. Another fabulous transformation! I love how bold you are with color.

    And no, I don't really expect other bloggers to reply back to my responses if there was no specific question involved (although it's very thoughtful of them if they want to). So don't stress yourself out about responding to this comment. :)
