Thursday, April 7, 2011

Does your garage floor look like this?

No? Mine least, not quite like this anymore. Now it looks....Well, okay, it looks about the same.

I'm almost out from under all of it. You are going to be shocked at the transformations. Shocked I tell ya.

To tide you over, take a look at this cutie-patootie that is trouble in the making.

See that leopard print thing behind him? Umm, yeah. So he picked it up at St. Vinny's yesterday and wouldn't let it go. It's a rabbit. That's right. Real rabbit. He held on to it so tight I couldn't get it out of his hands. He didn't cry about it, just held on tight. I didn't have the heart to take it away from him, although I am not afraid of fits, he just looked so cute rubbing the soft fur on his face, while I nearly vomited from the thought of him rubbing a rabbit fur on his face...I keep telling myself it's like a lucky rabbit's foot.....He hasn't let go of it since.

Oh, thanks for all the birthday wishes for Jack! He had a rockin' day and Laura - you made my day with the comment about the color orange! I was telling Tom about it, and Porter, who has wavered in favorite colors from pink to green to orange to blue said, "okay, my favorite color is orange." Hysterical.

Tranformations soon!