Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cinnamon dresser

Remember these awesome cinnamon end tables?

Well, the owner of them saw this dresser that I did for Jack and really liked it.

So when I found this dresser I let her know and she was excited!

I ended up replacing the handles and filling the wholes with wood filler. Then redrilling holes. Which is only hard if you mess up. Fortunately I didn't....this time....

They make this handy tool that spaces wholes perfectly. It is located in the drawer and cabinet aisle at HD and they even have them at Target. They are fantastic, they also make them for doors, for example for your kitchen cabinets.

So, I used that little plastic tool to line everything up and help in marking my holes. Then I drilled.

We wanted a sleek look and cup pulls just wouldn't work, so I used a very simple straight pull for this and it turned out great!

The bedding in her room is a light blue, so of course, I had to add a few stripes to the top. I don't do anything too fancy with stripes. I take a tap measure and make sure each end is the same distance, and then I go. Nothing fancy. I like when the stripes aren't perfect. Not a single piece of my furniture is "perfect" that would be boring, so crooked stripes, if they happen are cool.

(Although, these are pretty darn straight!)

I distressed the edges and top very carefully so that the gray primer underneath didn't show up and I think it turned out great!

I'm pretty sure she's not giving it up, but I wouldn't be sad if it had to go in my boys' room!

Love it!

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