Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Turquoise coffee table

That's right. Turquoise coffee table. And I made if from a FIVE dollar farm table.

Here's the story.

I found this farm table at a garage sale last summer for 5 dollars. It's been all over our house. It most recently took up space in our "sun room" as a computer table.

But this computer work station is in the works of an overhaul. So, I took the table away.

I took the top off, it wasn't attached yet anyway....oh, and if you must know it was painted sharkey gray by Martha Stewart.

I then took the legs off and took them out to the compound sliding miter saw, my Valentine's Day present, last year, and chopped them off in about 2.2 seconds.

I just measured the height of the front of the couch and cut the legs off at that point.

Then I brought them back in and reattached them to the table.

You can see a hint of the color I painted it on the corner...

I took a sample of the Martha Stewart Araucana Teal and used the teeny tiny little brush it comes with to put it on the table. It took a little while, but I was lazy and didn't want to have to dirty up a brush for the tiny table. I just kind of slopped it on, because I knew I was going to sand it.

Nothing is staged, there is furniture everywhere and kids and dogs and blankets piled high. But, I think it looks awesome.

The moral of the story, is if you find a five dollar table, grab it. And don't be afraid to do something crazy. All you're spending is one latte.


  1. Love that turquoise! My favorite color. And it certainly pops in the middle of your room. Good call.

  2. Love it and really love the color!

  3. It's so pretty! And the table didn't lose its farm feel either!! (now it sits on a cow!) heeee

    I LOVE chopping off furniture legs. I actually did this to an old piano bench to make it the right height for our boys to sit on and put on their shoes,. It sits by the front door! Now I want to use the leg 'pieces' for something really cool!

    Are you saving yours for anything???


  4. fun pop of color there, it definitely looks more than a $5 table!

  5. oh my goodness!!! this is fabulous!!

  6. I have a storage room full of five dollar tables...mostly small ones...because five dollars doesn't go far in my little town...
    I'd been thinking making one of mine into a coffee table...
    I like your style!!! cause you're honest and real...two very good attributes...
    Praying for your state because chaos is not good!!!
    Have a beautiful day!!!
