Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Painting in the freezing cold.

It's, oh, I don't know -3 degrees without the windchill.....funny story....when I was a kid, until probably 8th grade science class I thought it was "windshield" not "windchill". Idiot.

So, it's bitter. I went out to try and prime some chairs today. I got them primed. Amazingly. But I have no feeling in my fingers. None. I even had gloves on. It's bitter, I tell ya.

I primed two chairs. These two, as a matter of fact:

I also got some gray paint on them too.  They used to look like this:

When I took the fabric off I sneezed, a lot. The chairs were in a house with 27 cats. I'm sure of it. Ugh. Stupid cats. (No offense to cat owners...) I really want to do something bold and crazy with some of the amazing Thomas Paul fabric like this:

But, at over Fifty bucks a yard, I won't be doin that. Seriously. Fifty dollars!? Yikes. So, Joann's it is. I've got lots of fabric that I love, and lots of ideas, just need to do one of them. Anyone want me to walk through the steps again?

Okay, off to play legos. And eat rice crispy treats. Oh, and wrap tinfoil around a cereal box. And possibly get on the treadmill.

Later gators.


  1. You can buy that same fabric in an array of colors at Calico Corners for $24.99 a yard.

  2. I love that woodblock looking print! You'll do the chairs justice, I'm sure!
    Do you not have any problems with the paint drying in such cold temps? I have some needing a coat, but too timid to try in these temps.

    Have a rice crispy for me,

  3. I can't imagine spending over 50 bucks for a yard of fabric. Heck id find a way to make my own for that price lol. -The fabric is gorgeous though. My eye is attracted to that orange! :)

  4. Love the orange colorway, but ouch on the price. I can't wait til spring when spray painting can be done comfortably outside. I've been trying to work on a Lego table for the 6 yo, but the weather is definitely not cooperating.

    Eat the rice krispie treats, and skip the treadmill. Painting in a freezing garage burns calories. You get a free pass. Trust me. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I totally used to call it 'windshield' as well! haha

    It is freakin cold in WI. UGH!

  6. If you decide on gray velvet I would be at your house to pick them up tomorrow! I am loving these! -Rhiannon
