Friday, February 4, 2011

Mom Ramblings #24

1. Wednesday we had a snow day. We had a ton of snow. That is all. It reminded me of the blizzards we had when we were growing up. The snow piles are amazing!

Tom, the saint that he is, along with many of the neighbors, helped each other get the snow out of driveways and sidewalks and in front of the hydrants and mail boxes.  It was really windy, so every once in awhile I got a nice shot of his tush in his carharts. That's okay.

2. We spent the day lining up cars.

And puzzle pieces...

I have no idea where they would pick that up....

3. The other day Gus wanted to go to school so he wore his backpack around for the day.

4. I got to spray paint a few things the other day when it was 33 whole degrees out. I ran quickly out to the garage, sprayed and came back in. Worked great! I found a new color that I just love. Rustoleum "lagoon". It is so great!

I painted this lamp....and added the red velvet trim to the shade. (You saw this one yesterday.)

I did this lamp too....

Then I did this little side table. It's got a chalkboard top. Love it!

(All of these items are available over at, just in case you are wondering!)

5. I woke up at 1:50 am on Thursday morning to get this:

I know. I KNOW. I know I'm a freak. I'm okay with it. I am. I almost didn't wake up. I set my alarm, but didn't turn it on. I woke up at exactly 1:50 am. Luck. Pure luck. So, my contract was up, I've been patiently waiting. I didn't want to miss out.  It seems there are plenty for us Verizon customers and I could have waited until today, but, I felt like I was young and carefree getting up in the middle of the night for a cool new gadget. Had I needed to sit outside and wait in line there is no way I would have gotten it. But, I didn't. I ordered it from my cozy bed. I'm good with that. Now, what apps do I need?

6. Tom took Porter (5) skiing for the first time and it was so fun to watch the video. Porter is just like his father. He picks up sports quickly and is good immediately. Love that about them.

7. Monday I will show you the new "Beulah".


  1. Pocket Yogo, Netflix, and Star Wars Arcade Falcon Gunner. Oh and Urbanspoon and Instagram! {those first three may not apply to non-nerds.}

  2. I love this Random Musings series. Your projects turned out great! Lagoon is a beautiful color. Skiing at 5! Very impressive.

    I just gave you a Stylish Blogger Award. Swing on by to claim it.

  3. you are so funny. your husband's tush. that is funny.
    you get so much done with kids at home!!!!! i'm jealous. i was home bound for almost 10 days with 2 kids and thought i just might die. i got nothing done and my husband was gone most of that time. i think i walked in my craft room one time and out
    love the chalkboard table and i just love that your son walked around with his backpack on all day. super sweet.
    man you got tons of snow!!!! yikes.
    hang in there.
