Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tiny Dresser

I found this dresser on craigslist at an estate sale. It was from a hobby farm and we all know how much I love the idea of living on a farm! Especially a hobby farm.

I was so excited to go there, BUT, it was stinkin' cold and I had two of the kids with me, so, it was an in and out trip, but it was fun to wander through all the farm buildings.

I paid more than I normally would, but I think it was worth it. I love it!

I had to pry the pulls off, they were nailed in from the front. I didn't want to, but there was a lot of grime and gross stuff on them and under them...(imagine horse poo and flour and other things...) I just had to take them off.

Here's what it looks like right now. I had to glue the door together with liquid nails and I'm going to have to drill holes for the pulls, but it is in pretty good shape. I took a sander to it and smoothed all the rough edges and got rid of some of the layers a bit more. It's got a bazillion layers of paint, and I just don't really want to get rid of all of them. I just love all the layers. If you've been reading for awhile, you know I'm all about "a story". Old furniture pieces have a story...Old houses have a story....I love a good story.

I intend to add these Martha Stewart for Home Depot pulls. Because I love them.

I think that will be it. I think. I also like the thought of painting it blue...or yellow....or gray...or white....we'll see once I get those pulls.

Do you have any furniture that could tell a story?


  1. I have always loved old furniture, when I buy a piece I add an index card with the history (as far back as I can go) and tape it or tuck it in a drawer. Some great grandkid might thank me.

  2. Great find and lots of potential!

    As for color... normally I would say white but I have been on this kick of color lately [spring fever maybe... I know... way to far off] so I would totally paint it a nice, not to overly bright, yellow!! :)

  3. That's such a great little dresser!
    I'd paint it all those colors, and let the layers show. Maybe.

  4. So cute! It can be used in so many spots. Have you tried to get all that gunk off the old hardware? They look very similar to the new MS ones. I like Kasey's idea of yellow. Maybe yellow and gray. They do look good together.
