Friday, January 7, 2011

Mom's aren't supposed to get sick

I had a stomach bug yesterday.

That sucked.

Tom even came home from work to help out.

Gus still scoured the house and climbed the stairs to find me. Every. single. second.

I still have that yucky feeling in my body, but, mom's don't get vacation. So, on we go.

Nothing got done yesterday, I didn't do the laundry, I didn't even clean the bathroom....oh wait. I never do that stuff.

We have a Christmas Party tomorrow night for Tom's work. I may have to skip. Except that I have a new dress...that I really want to wear and having the flu makes it fit so much better...

I'm going to crawl to the bus stop now.

And, eat something. Ugh.

Look at these cuties:

But, it's Friday! Happy Friday!


  1. Oh, being sick as a Mom is the worst. Those drinkers are so cute! Go to the party and wear your new dress, losing a couple lbs is the one benefit of the flu:)

  2. Wait you must still be a little fuzzy, Christmas was last month. But, Have fun at the party!

  3. It's obviously the Orthodox Christmas, which is today!

    Happy Christmas.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT drink the eggnog!

    And it's always a good thing when we don't have to hold in our tummies!!!

    Hope you feel better!!!


  4. I hope you're feeling better today! It's terrible when you're sick and everyone in the house needs or wants you. Praying!

  5. feel better!!! my daughter crawls all over me when i am not sick. it's so hard to get any decent rest with little ones!!! i think moms need sick leave!! i am sure i've earned way over 1000 hours so far!!!!!
    have fun wearing that new dress whenever you have the chance!
    take care
