Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lighting in the work room

I get to change my mind right?

I wanted a school house light. Then I went to look at them at Lowe's and the one they had for eighty dollars was the size of my thumb. The one's online ended up being a crapload after adding in all the necessary items, like oh say, the fixture.

So, I saw a new one at Lowe's that I liked but it was on back order. Of course.

I came home and sulked, like you knew I would, and then I looked on Amazon and found the exact one, for twenty dollars cheaper. And free shipping. Can't beat that!

The awesome thing was that it wasn't supposed to be here until the end of this week. And I got it yesterday!

So, of course I put it up. Right away. I had to switch a few light switches around, but that's okay, because now our dining room has a dimmer switch, which is what I wanted anyway.

And so, after all that blabbing, here's the new fixture, in it's proper place. No more ducking under the chandelier, no more looking at the wires wondering if it was going to be like that forever....

Fantastic. Love it.


  1. I love it too!! And I especially love your yellow EAT letters! I've been meaning to do the same thing in my dining room!

  2. Love it! I want to replace our "nipple" hallway lights with something similar.

  3. Love it! Can you share the link?

  4. Here's the link!


  5. yes, that'll do very nicely.

    you risk taker you!!!

  6. Wow, it is perfect and I love the shape.
