Friday, December 10, 2010

Mom Ramblings #21

1. Sometimes I've got nothin'. Then I feel badly and write one of these random mom thoughts and I end up with a whole lotta somethin'.

2. Tom and I took a mini-vaca to Chicago and used some points to stay downtown and do some shopping and eating and hanging out without a care in the world. It was wonderful. I missed the kiddos terribly, but I have to say it was peaceful not to have to worry about anyone else but ourselves. We ate late, we lounged, we walked. It was delicious.

3. I didn't take my camera with us. I'm an idiot.

4. We went to two great restaurants. XOCO. Mexican. Delicious. And HEAVEN ON SEVEN. Louisiana. Just as delicious.

5. I love the holidays. LOVE. Our tree is up. The lights are always on. Tucker the Elf has only forgotten to move twice...I'll share pics soon!

6. I found this little bookshelf for 5 bucks. I'll share on Monday. That's contact paper. All. Over.

Unless your a FB fan or you visit the White Butterfly website, then you already know what it looks like!

7. I made Fantasy Fudge today that my Mom would be proud of. She used to eat fudge and popcorn as a snack during the season. With a Sprite. Oh, how I miss that.

8. I went to Target today for the sole purpose of purchasing a Kitchenaid Mixer that I saved up for....I left because in my head was Dave Ramsey (the financial guru) in the voice of Michael from the tv show Burn Notice (on USA network)...."If you ever get the chance to buy a stand mixer...don't. You don't NEED it." Damn. I left with a twenty dollar hand mixer. And cash in my pocket.

9. Pretty soon is tax return time. Have I told you how much I love doing our taxes? LOVE. I know. Crazy.

10. The boys have been sharing a room since we moved here two years ago, and they don't want to share anymore. It makes me very sad. I don't know why.  Porter is sleeping in the guest room tonight and we're going to see how it goes for a little while. Why does it make me so sad?

11. I just ran out of storage space for photos on the blog this second. That stinks.

12. I can't even upload a photo to a new post without logging out first and then logging back in. Now they want me to buy more. Stinks. This is so frustrating.

13. I'm complaining. And so, I'm thinking of switching to Word Press...

14. I'm not going to end on a cranky note.

15. It's snowing. The boys and I are going to play in the snow....


  1. My favorite appliance is my heavy duty kitchen aid mixer--it saves time, ingredients get mixed properly--and it last forever. It is a tradition in my family for the aunts and uncles to buy one for the new bride and groom in the family. I have nearly 20 cousins, over half of them married--we all have one. I hope you'll reconsider, or read reviews from women. :) If you love to bake and would truly use it, you won't regret the investment--I promise.

  2. you make me laugh. i LOVE your blog. if you lived next door, i would bring my taxes to you and you could use my kitchen aid for a week. let me tell you i LOVEEEEEEEE my kitchen aid. it is so worth the money. it is. really.
    it is the ONLY expensive gadget i have in my kitchen. everything else was purchased in a thrift shop.
    i used wordpress for a year and loved it.
    you sweet not about the fudge and popcorn and sprite made me smile.
    i always complain.
    i wish it WOULD snow here.
    have fun and i adore all your gorgeous transformations, ramblings and ever ending supply of inspiration. you are one of a kind.

  3. Dave Ramsey is an idiot. Okay, that's not true, but I assure you he's no baker.

    I actually have 2 stand mixers, both Kitchenaids. The little black 4 1/2 qt. 225watt one which I call my starter one I've had for literally forever. The monster big red Professional 6qt 625 watt one my hubby gave me for Mother's Day. It's fantastic for double or triple batch cookies and works like a dream with stiff doughs like bread dough.

  4. Is Dave Ramsey the new Oprah?


  5. Dave Ramsey obviously never stepped a foot in the kitchen - the Kitchen Aid is SOOOOOOO worth it! Hand mixers suck! (sorry!) I have had the Classic, now I have the Professional and have never, ever regretted it! Kohl's has great deals on them this time of year with cash back incentives, etc. I ended up with enough Kohl's bucks to get a huge Foreman grill (which is also SOOOO worth it) and a new blender for free plus also had a rebate from Kitchen Aid. Have never commented but read your blog often, love your humor (and projects)! Am resisting the urge to have my own blog because I know it would consume me! In the meantime I am consumed reading about everyone else's lives on their blogs! Merry Christmas!
