Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday Goodness.

Here's our tree and our mantel (I like to spell it that way, not the other way, mantle. I feel more sophisticated when I spell it mantel. Like I'm royalty.)

I didn't clean, or organize or beautify. Our tree is full of a million ornaments that we've gathered over time. They are all special. Each one. The stockings, however, nothing special. I made the white one last year for Gus. I probably should have taken some of our regular stuff down, but I didn't. Things change a lot around here. For example, we have no where to put anything. Stuff keeps selling and I haven't replaced it, which is a good thing, I suppose....

You would be shocked to see the difference from last year to this year in this room. Or the rest of the house...

This was the mantel last year:

And this year:

The stairs, last year:

And this year:

We've done our traditional cookie tears this year!

I made my first ever whoppie pies. I didn't use the traditional middle. Instead I used a cream cheese frosting concoction that is divine. I think they were a hit.  We also did some sugar cookies. And, my brand new hand mixer started burning and smelling and couldn't get through the sugar cookie dough. Boo-hoo.

Instead of watching over the boys this year and helping them out, I threw caution to the wind, let go of my controlling ways and let Tom oversee the cookie decorating. I took Gus to bed and read several books while they finished up. Things seem to have turned out quite well!

Ummm....very well, in Jack's case.

Now THAT is a cookie.

This week we're laying low, bundling up and getting ready to travel soon.


  1. So fun! Gotta love sugar cookies, gotta love sugar for that matter.

  2. everything looks so warm and inviting!!! Love the looks of the stairs this year too! Great job!!

  3. I'm so glad you showed the before & afters of your holiday decor. I love the changes you have made.

