Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oatmeal Pecan Pie

This recipe is out of the Cooking Light Holiday Cookbook from 2009.

This was my first attempt at a pecan pie and oh. my. goodness. TDF. (That means...To Die For, if you aren't a 14 year old girl.)

It's super easy, the hardest part was separating the egg whites, but we have one of those little egg yolk separators, so it was a snap.

Cooking light recommends making your own pie crust because it's healthier, but since I don't have a mixer...no hand mixer, no kitchen aid. No nothin. That's right. Nothin. I used Pillsbury.

Here's what it looks like. Thank you Cooking Light for the photo....


Pillsbury pie dough
Cooking Spray
1 Cup packed dark brown sugar
1 Cup light corn syrup
2/3 cup regular oats
1/2 cup chopped pecans
2 Tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 large egg whites, lightly beaten

1. Preheat oven to 325.
2. Place thawed dough in pie plate coated with cooking spray. Make edges fancy, if you must.
3. Combine brown sugar and remaining ingredients, stirring well with a whisk.
4. Pour into prepared crust.
5. Bake for 50 minutes or until center is set.
6. Cool completely.
7. Eat.

*I added a handful of whole pecans to the top of the finished pie prior to baking. I mean really, can you have too many pecans? I love this recipe because the oatmeal makes the middle seem so thick instead of just a layer of sticky sugar. And I can pretend that it is somewhat healthy.....

Enjoy. I'm going to go make another pie. And not tell anyone I made it. And then tonight I will hide in my closet and watch Biggest Loser with a fork...and my pie....


  1. Oh that looks so good! I love pecan pie and find there is always a reason to try a new recipe...and oatmeal? Now, that sounds healthy to me!! Must. Make. Now.

  2. Uh, YUM ... just when I thought I was done with pie for a few weeks .. I must try this. It IS from Cooking Light so it can't be too bad, right? LOL.

  3. GIRL! You are a nut & crack me up. (See what I did there? Nut? Pecan pie?) I saw this recipe too and wanted to make it... thanks for beating me to it so I had a recommendation! :)
