Friday, November 12, 2010

Mom Ramblings #19 Things I'm thankful for.

1. I'm thankful that my husband didn't divorce me for asking him to "help" me router the kitchen cabinet doors the other night, immediately when he got home, he just did it. After he ate supper of course.

2. I'm thankful that when the dog peed on the guest bedroom sheets and blankets she didn't have diarrhea.

3. I'm thankful that when the dog decided to chew up a tennis ball on the white slip covered furniture it was a yellow ball and not a red one.

4. I'm thankful that Gus didn't color with a purple crayon all over the furniture. Just on the ottoman.

5. I'm thankful for Tide To Go.

6. And Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.

7. I'm thankful that the entire zipper didn't break on the ottoman when I was taking it off to wash it, just the pull.

8. I'm thankful for the treadmill. Really. I am.

9. I'm thankful for sweaters that hide my tush.

10. I'm thankful for neighbors that save the day.

11. I'm thankful for a plant that has survived for over 4 years on only being water once every few months.

12. I'm thankful for wine. (Is that wrong? Do I sound like a lush? I'm not. Really.)

13. I'm thankful for snuggles with little people even if just a few minutes before they were packing their bags and ready to move next door because they hated our family and this house....

Happy Friday!



  1. Funny story. We were at mass a few weeks ago. During a part where the priest says "We have this wine to offer..." my 2 year old daughter says, really loudly "Mommy! YOU like wine!" I about died.

  2. #2
    ROARED OUT LOUD LAUGHING! (you don't find that hard to believe, do you?)

    I have one of those little people too. (on certain days, at particular times, during a specific phase of the moon!)


  3. Still laughing! I love the honestly and laughed again when reading Ann Marie's comment! Great stuff; thank you!

  4. i am wearing a tushy hiding sweater right now. i am so thankful that longer tops are in style. do you remember when cropped tops were all the rage? eew. and i wore them. double eew.

  5. Aw, priceless!
    Thank you for reminding me all I can handle right now is the cat and not the dog I desperately want. I have to cure my OCD first. I've also decide the little guy is getting aqua doodles...ONLY
