Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Little helper

Yesterday, while this kiddo was doing this:

He climbed up on the couch and asked to be snuggled up and within seconds he was sound asleep.

The other kiddo was helping me do this:

Surprisingly he did a great job. He put the roller in the tray and even got the "excess" off. His new word he learned while we were working.

So, WE took this table that Tom and I built last year for $37 with random stuff from Habitat ReStore:

To this:

I used a dark gray oops paint. It's darker than the wall, which actually makes it stand out quite well. I'm loving the change. A lot. I distressed it a ton and it brings out all the nicks and scrapes in the old legs and the old apron, which of course we know I call a skirt.....

And of course, I will not apologize for "Baby Gus" the bear on the floor, two baskets full of toys, little feet at the end of the table and cords. I just don't do it. Because, you know, that's life. This isn't House Beautiful. But, oh how I wish it were!

I hope you are all having a beautiful Wednesday. It's raining here today. Let's see if we get out of the house....I feel Marshall's calling my name...


  1. Very Awesome. Love this because I just got the same stuff from the ReStore for my hubs to build me a table :) Yours is of course loverly.

  2. I love how it turned out! I was giong to do this with some old pantry doors at our old house but never got to it and they were thrown out!

  3. Love this! It's so my style and I think I'll have to make one myself. I have 4 painted {and waiting to be re-purposed} table legs and i'm sure i can find an old shutter or door around here somewhere...
    thanks so much for the inspiration!
    oh, AND, i just discovered the habitat restore yesterday and am obsessed already!

  4. In the words of my 5 year old son, "Aye yi yi!" I love this! Repurposed stuff is my absolute fave! Love the color too! Fab, as always!
