Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Painting a silver coffee pot.

1. Just watched a commercial for Cami Secret....do they not remember the Dickie?

2. American Girl keeps sending me magazines...are they trying to send me into a deep depression? It's called market research. I have a family of boys. Please don't send me magazines for girls....

3. I took a technology hiatus for one day. I also made that entire day without candy corn....connection? I think so.

4. Remember this?

I got the idea to paint it from someone else....someone else are you there? Tell me who gave me this idea! I am lost, and can't find it.

I picked this up at the thrift store for 5 or 6 dollars.

First I primed it.

Then I painted it.

Then I fell in love with it.

Color is Rustoleum Aqua!

So stinkin' fun!
See ya tomorrow.


  1. And then you told us what color that is :) GORG.

  2. she reminds me of the teapot from Beauty & Beast! :)

  3. LOVE that! I have a shelf that would really benefit from such a beauty....just sayin'

  4. I LOVE IT!!!! I am now going to go find myself a teapot to paint. :)

  5. Ok, that's gorgeous.

    Missed you yesterday. Really. I kept looking for you on and off. (I had some time on my hands....sort of)

    And we just got, like today, the American Girl mag and also, the "doll like me" catalog. Odd. We're a house of boys too.

  6. Yes, she does look like the pot from Beauty and the Beast! So cute. Love the color.

    American Girl must be a bunch of tormentors because I too would get that darn catalog with 3 boys. Do they have any idea what a boy would do with a doll like that? GI Joe would have her dismembered in a heart beat.
