Thursday, October 21, 2010

Installing a new door.

Talk about a boring title.

This is actually a quite riveting post. Read on. Riveting, I tell ya. Ri-vet-ing.

I picked up a door at Goodwill a few months ago. That's right, a door....a few months ago... I looked at the door and thought it might fit on our house., I didn't know for sure. But, it was $25. If anything I could use it for something else...sometime else. I wasn't worried.

The door sat. For at least two months. At least.

Then finally hubs decided to help me put it up. It was a little bit of a struggle, I won't lie. New hinge sites, things not lining up exactly. Whatev.

But, we got it up.

Here's the old boring storm door. Eh.

Not bad, but not utterly cool. See that mark on the right side that looks like a hole? It's not a hole. But I did dent it with a piece of furniture. I was pregnant. That stuff happens when I'm pregnant. Don't ask me about the van and the side of the garage on our old house in the hood (kid #1), or the van and a green dumpster (kid #2). Or the parked car that I tapped ON THE DAY that I found out I was preggers with #3.

Where was I? Stay away from baby talk. Stay away from baby talk. Stay away from baby talk....

Here's the new door all gorgeous and cool.

Now. Of course there is more to this story.

It had a different lock and handle, It was an ugly brass and I was going to live with it, but I figured I might as well try painting it. Ummm....not good. I sanded. I primed. I sprayed with Rustoleum Nickel spray paint. I didn't even take pictures of the event because I wasn't sure it was going to work out. And, low and sucked
(donkey butt. Ha! See how that's funny?) Too crass? Too bad. Dad, you get it, right?

I ended up running to the store to get a new handle and deadbolt and installing that alone, without any help, unless you count the three littles that were constantly in the way. Of course, that didn't go off as planned either. Duh, what project does? I had to drill a new hole at the bottom, try and figure out how to get it to open pulling down instead of up....the problems were endless. But, I DID IT. BY MYSELF. Yes. That's yelling from excitement. I'm always a little amazed when I can do something without assistance from anyone else, specifically hubs.

I am loving it now. And of course, want to change out all of our handles to match.

I haven't decided if I want to paint it yet. I really like it the way it is right now. I may even take off the screen door to show it off!


  1. You got an amazing deal on your door and it looks fabulous!!

    Now, about that donkey butt... My granddaughter loves Yo Gabba Gabba. They have a song about not giving up, but apparently Bayleigh misheard the lyrics because instead of singing "don't stop, don't give up", she sang "don't stop, donkey butt". So yes, that picture is very funny to me!!

  2. Love the door and great job on the installation! Also, love the donkey butt....sometimes those things are just funny!

  3. Bravo girl, Bravo! I get all excited too when I get something done all by myself.

    Was someone being a donkey butt that day? That happens around here too. Projects start out as "we" and end up "me".

  4. jaw hanging opening at 25 dollars.
