Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Painting a table white.

Remember these chairs?!

Well, they had a matching table that I didn't get when I purchased the chairs. Every time I went back to Goodwill, I saw the table, and finally one day, I just got it. Hello?! Why didn't I do it right away? I have no idea. Don't ask me. Okay.

How's that for cool? It has two leaves and gets to be ginormous. Gi-nor-mous. 

I primed it. Then lightly sanded it with 180 grit sandpaper. Then I wiped the whole thing down with a wet rag and let it dry. After that I sprayed it with Rustoleum white in semi-gloss.

Two coats.

After that, I sanded it lightly again on the top. I roughed all the edges up with my palm sander. Because it's fast and I like that I can just quick do it with the palm sander and not be meticulous about it.

Then wiped it with a rag again.

I quick did a little bit of Feed and Wax over the dark areas. Which really brings out the distressing.

And wiped on some polycrylic. I said polycrylic. That's right. Don't use polyurethane on white. Just don't. You'll cry. It turns yellow. Almost immediately. Then you'll cry like I did the first time I did it and there wasn't anyone to tell me not to do it. So don't. Just like that whole up all night baby thing. No one tells you how hard it is. You know. How absolutely HARD it is not getting any sleep. 

I'm just so thrilled with the results. Ummm...I wish it fit in my house!

Hello gorgeous! I love you. I want to get my sleeping bag and snuggle up on you and never let you go. Is that so wrong?

It's for sale. Send me a message if you want it.


  1. Wow! That is a bit of modern chic gorgeousness. LOVERLY :)

  2. Really nice! The whole set is fabulous. The bright fabric on those chairs looks great too. Thanks for that tip on poly. Who knew, not me!?

  3. I'll bet it sells in a heartbeat now! I love that fabric!!!!

  4. If it would fit in my house, I'd take it in a HEARTBEAT!

  5. So, so beautiful! I love the size- wow! You did a fantastic job and someone is going to be thrilled to make it theirs! Boy, do I know what you mean about polyeurothane on white paint. I have yet to redo my white coffee table since I made that mistake, lol! Lesson learned...I didn't know it then either!

  6. I am a new reader, and if you purchased that table in Portland Oregon you have just refinished my table. I gave that away to goodwill. It pained me to do so, as I did not have time or space to redo it. I even tried to sell the thing on craiglist, but had no time to follow through. It is huge, the best seating I have ever had and I want it back. No really, you can have it, but it was my parents first table when they were married over 57 years ago. I am sure it was rather hip in it's day and you have reinvented hip. It's darling, gorgious and I love it.

  7. Kirsty,
    What a gorgeous job you did on these pieces. A really pretty, funky set now. I wish it fit in my house too!
