Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Striped Dresser

Last weekend while out searching for a new road bike we happened upon a car show (oh yeah. THE BOYS LOVE CARS.) So, that was great. They looked around at cars and the town was actually having a town rummage sale, so I got to wander (I always spell wander 'wonder' and then have to go back and correct it. It annoys me.) a little. 

I happened upon a sale that had an amazing table that I saw from across the park. When I got there it was $10. But there was a sold sticker on it. Bummer. 

But then I saw this dresser.

It had a price tag of $15. I was ready to take it at that, but then the owner came up to me while I was looking and said, "I'll give it to you for half off." Umm...deal. And I even gave her eight bucks!

The next day as it sat in the garage I had a brilliant idea. I've been wanting to do vertical stripes, FOREVER. So, I figured, no time like the present. I mean it was an eight dollar dresser!

So, I painted the whole thing in a light coat of white. Rustoleum White in a spray can. Then I taped off some sections. I didn't really measure, but I kind of made sure things were lining up. I just held up a little ruler and estimated the distance to each piece of tape. (I know it isn't scientific and all of you are thinking, how am I going to do this, but honestly, it doesn't have to be perfect. It's better when it's not. Truly.)

After I spray the second coat on (Krylon Sea Green) I took the tape off right away. And when I say right away, I mean, I put the can down after my last spray and removed the tape. The longer it sat, the more afraid I was that it would take off other paint. 

Then I put more tape on and again just estimated the measurements. 

So then I sprayed the next blocked off sections (pretend there are two other sectioned off areas between the white middle paint and the two middle blue tapes)

And this is what you get. The gray is Krylon Pewter gray.

It's not perfect, and I'm so glad. I didn't want it to be. I was actually worried that it would look a little too symmetrical. But it's not, we're all good.

I took some 100 grit sand paper and went over the whole thing. Then I smoothed things out with some 180.
I put the original pulls on it, and I couldn't be happier. I am in love.

This is another one of those pieces that I get giddy over. I mean, honestly, giddy. As I type, I get a big grin. I love when something works out.

It's going to a good home, so that makes me happy. Maybe they will let me come and visit too. 


  1. You have the best luck at finding super prices on furniture. Your hard work with the sanding and painting surely pays off.

  2. I LOVE it! It looks so great with the stripes. They add such a fun touch of whimsy!

  3. I am so super jealous....of your talent AND the amazing prices you find! I'd have paid at least triple for that dresser. Love it!

  4. looks great- the stripes are so fun! i am always a fan of striped dressers!

  5. What a Fantastic dresser, really.
    But my comment was originally going to be like this:
    "I hope you are freaking happy with yourself missy, 'cause I just spent 5 hours of my working day {yes, I'm at the office} reading your old post!!!"
    Signed, Me

    Seriously, awesome. I think your boys are adorable. My oldest is just a few weeks older than Gus. I love this stage.
    Anyway, I may feel inspire to paint a piece of furniture myself :)
