Monday, September 27, 2010

BIG NEWS. For me.

First, some housekeeping - Traci from Virginia that asked about the Mary Jane Confetti fabric, please email me (and include your email so I can email you back) I've got some fabric for you!

Thank you all for the compliments on the pumpkins and the stairs and my kids and my furniture! It means so much and I know I can't get emails out to each and every one of you, but just know that I appreciate it so much! And because of all of your encouragement and peer pressure (okay, not really) but the encouragement....I got up the courage to contact a store.

And that's the big news. White Butterfly Furniture is going to be in a STORE! That's right. Within the next few weeks local people will be able to purchase White Butterfly furniture and goods at a store called Harvest Home. It is a fantastic, amazing store with a fabulous owner (Hi Brenda!). Maybe she'll let me take some pictures and post them all over the world wide web. 

The idea is that I'll filter some pieces in throughout the next few months and then have a show with some big pieces such as the table.

And this buffet.

It's actually quite a funny story, if you are at all interested in the story behind how it came about.

I went into the store and asked the woman behind the counter where she got her furniture (which happened to be the owner), and I said I refurbished furniture and she said, "I KNOW! I KNOW YOU! I READ YOUR BLOG!" So, long story short, we both wanted my furniture in her shop and so it will be!

I'm so excited and I am so looking forward to doing some pieces for the store and expanding the client base. One of the many things I love about this store is that she keeps the prices reasonable. It is so important for me to keep the prices great so that people can afford it. And that is important to her too.

I will still be painting pieces for me to sell and I will still be posting things on the website. So don't worry. We're working together on stuff.

So there you have it. Fun stuff. Can't wait.


  1. Congratulations. I know you will be a huge hit. Your spirit is right in those pieces you create. Lovely! I am about to open a second loccation and it is so rewarding. Have a ball.

  2. You're famous! I love that story. I am so thrilled for you. I think you should also hook up with Cottage Posh. Miss you.

  3. HOw great!!!!! I would LOVE to do this myself someday when I have space to really work on furniture. For now, I'll just do a piece now and then and stick it on craigslist. Although the last two pieces I did sold to folks on craigslist who actually read my blog :) Fun!

    Congrats, and here's to making some cash doing what you love!

  4. Oh this is great news! I know you will be a huge success! You do such great work. I would love to have a shop some day.

  5. That's great news! Wish I lived closer so I could enjoy your beautiful pieces in person! You are so talented and I love your work and creativity!

  6. That IS BIG NEWS! You so deserve this! Way to go!!!

  7. I am SO excited for you! Great news for a great woman!

  8. Kristy! Congrats girl! What exciting news and what a great story! I will be excited to see pics of the store. I would love to do something similar someday...I have yet to comment but I am one of your newest followers (within the past few months or so)

  9. best of luck in your new venture! brenda is lucky to have you.

  10. YAY for you!! I have been following you for a few months and you have amazing stuff! Brenda is lucky to have you!
