Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lemonade 25 c

So, most of the neighborhood kids have had a lemonade stand. Well, the boys had had enough. They were ready. They wanted to do one too.

Nevermind that they can't read. Or add. Or pour something for themselves. And they often get shy around strangers....Nevermind those facts. Neveryoumind.

They asked me to make them cookies to sell too. 

They drank and ate their profit. 

But, they made a whole dollar. 

They were so proud.

Don't they look proud?


I even made them a sign. They were so excited!

But then, because it was so hot, we went inside to cool off. Jack decided to do this, again:

And I laughed. Then we ate this:

Ha! Look at that kid! 


  1. i enjoy seeng cute pics of your entrepreneurial boys much more than i enjoy pictures of baby mice.... ;)
    your boys are precious! congrats on their dollar!

  2. One day I hope I'm the kind of mom who doesn't mind a kid who colors all over himself. Since I only bathe my kids like twice a week, a marker-covered body really inconveniences me. ;)

  3. One day I hope I'm the kind of mom who doesn't mind a kid who colors all over himself. Since I only bathe my kids like twice a week, a marker-covered body really inconveniences me. ;)
