Monday, August 30, 2010

Here's what I've been up to.

Painting this:

And these, and the piece that goes with them:

And trying to do something with this crap:

(umm....I just don't know if that's a fail yet or not.)

And trying this out:

(Smoked pork butt. We like to say "pork butt" in our house. Tom cooked it...All. Day. Long. Seriously. I'm not a fan of pork, but  (ha!) I tried it for Tom's sake. Flavor, good. Texture, not so good.)

That's what I've been up to. Can't wait to show you the results of photos one and two! Photo three, eh, I'll show you if it works out....


  1. The hardware in the first picture is really pretty! The butt looks good, did you shred it?

  2. I love that hardware! I liked smoked pork, so that looked great to me.

    I'm curious to see what you're doing.

  3. Yes! Show us the afters!!!! I know they'll be amazing :)
