Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cabin Trip

For the last few years we have gone up to Tom's parents' cabin (is that the right apostrophe placement?) for a week of hanging out with his ENTIRE family. 9 kids. 10 adults. 2 dogs. Bears. Raccoons. Dear. Food. Food. Food. It is so much fun and the cousins all love getting together. It's chaotic, but we're all sad to see the week go by.

We had a couple of firsts while we were up there this past week.

1. Jack started sleeping in the loft with the big kids. (Big day! HUGE!)

2. Jack screamed and cried about getting on a horse with me. The second we were out of the gate he was calm and laughing and singing songs about the horse. It was amazing. Porter did not freak. That was amazing.

3. Gus slept and ate and slept and giggled. He was so tired after of all the activities that he would sleep for 12 - 14 hours at night. Awesome!

4. Porter swam in a life jacket all by himself. It was a huge feat for him. So proud.

5. We hiked a two mile route around a lake and Porter and Jack walked the entire thing. Without whining about wanting to be carried. I love the wilderness and all the sights to entertain them.

6. We are starting a tradition of doing some sort of activity while we are there. This year we did "Margie's Mile". We made tie-dyed t-shirts and the kids got medals when they were finished. How awesome is that?! Porter wore his the entire time we were there. And is still wearing it today. I'm not kidding. He loves it. Next year we'll do the walk and add a bike ride to it.

7. The guys made a bike ramp for the kids to go over and they had contests to see who could jump on their bike the farthest. Totally fun. The only picture I got was of Tom's tush. Again. Stop staring. But it is a cute one.

8. I double heart with puffy paint the cabin.


  1. Gus is getting so big! You have the cutest boys and I have 3 girls to match so no jealousy there :) Glad you had a great trip, your blog brightens my day when I need a break from the WAH part of being a WAHM.

  2. Glad I could brighten your day! That makes my day!
