Monday, July 26, 2010


Hey all. We're going on vaca. Vacation, that is. Nothing fancy, just up north to Tom's family cabin. The entire family will be there... 8 adults, 9 children, 2 dogs, a lake, some camping and a ton of eating. I CAN'T WAIT. It's going to be long and hard, and fun and fun!

So, I've got a few posts scheduled, some fun things to look at and a couple questions for you all. You get to help with a project....I'm sure you're going to hold your breath until then.

So, stick around. Don't forget about me. I'll be unreachable by email or phone and we send smoke signals if we need help.

I'm ready for a break. I'm ready for a creative break. I think my creativity is getting a little fried. But, I will be back. Don't go anywhere.

I can't wait to read your comments when I get back. Mainly because I know that some of you are actually funnier than I am and that when I am down and grumpy you make me smile.

Have a good week. Enjoy yourselves. Breathe and take time to watch the sunset. Or the sunrise. Or the moonrise, whatev. Just enjoy the company of someone or the peace of being alone for five minutes.

And I'll leave you with this....


  1. Have fun on your trip! I picked up a little end table at Salvation Army the other day and thought of you. Need to decide on color now.

  2. Yes!!! I totally need a break too! Have a wonderful time!

  3. Have fun getting your creative juices back together. Nature can inspire us.
