Monday, July 19, 2010

The dresser that disappeared.

Remember this dresser?

Yesterday morning I  got up and decided to quick paint it because someone was coming to look at some other stuff and I wanted to have this as a possibility....

So I sprayed it white and distressed it a bunch.

Then I realized that I didn't have 10 matching pulls, so I sent hubby on a run for matching pulls and he got pink ones. I wasn't sure, as I try and keep things relatively neutral as far as furniture, but guess what? I loved it!

And the dresser went home with the buyer for the other stuff too! Didn't even get this one posted on CL and it was gone.

Love the pink with the white!

AND! Maryann featured my stairs from her Power of Paint Party on Wednesday. Thanks Maryann!


  1. Okay not only do I love your blog and all the things you do...I love how you got your husband on board, willing to run out and buy drawer pulls (and to trust his judgement)...I love how he is willing to give up the garage...sigh. Mine grumbles when I come home with "more junk".

    You say you gave it a "quick spray" can I ask what you do? What products/process do you use? You must buy your spray in cases with your project load.

  2. I have to ask the same question as this turned out great! A paint sprayer or can spray paint???? I am thinking of buying a sprayer.

  3. I just used spray paint from a can! I am dying for a sprayer- I'm having a hard time committing, mainly because I don't like the clean up. It's just so easy to use a can and throw it, I know it's not environmentally friendly, and I have a hard time with that too, but for convenience, spray paint from a can is so easy!

  4. Kirsten, I think I"m your biggest fan and I wish I could buy everything you make. I would love the green dresser for the boys room and the white one just to look at or save for if we have a girl someday. Beautiful!

  5. Sounds like something my hubby would do, these guys are keepers!
    The dresser looks great, how smart to have it all ready. I just bought black knobs for a side table and now I'm thinking maybe I should have grabbed the colored ones from Hobby Lobby. Hmmmm.....

  6. love your blog. you're so talented. i've made over a few pieces of furniture and made a headboard out of an old door...but i live in a tiny apartment...and did all of this either in the actual apartment (which, trust me, is not fun)...or on the balcony. can't wait to have a garage like you and make over furniture to sell! too bad i have to wait 4 years...keep postin!

  7. So sweet. Would be great in a girls' room!

  8. I saw someone else asked about spray paint or paint sprayer? If it was a paint sprayer, I would love a post on it! I bought one and it was such a mess and so hard to clean that I took it back. Your dresser is darling! I would have never thought about selling on CL I thought you practically had to give stuff away, thanks for the post!


  9. Where did you get this dresser?! We have one exactly like it that was my grandmother's and we aren't sure what to do with it. It's definitely going to get a makeover now!

    Just stumbled upon your blog and I'm loving it! I notice you say you use ebony stain a lot. What brand is it? I've been trying to find one I like for an end table I'm redoing.

