Friday, July 30, 2010

Chair question

Okay, so the other day I did these chairs. I just painted them white. Nothing big. Two of them belonged to Tom's grandma and we used them and then didn't need them and so they've been sitting in the basement.

The other two (with the flowers on the back) I got at a flea market for 10 bucks each. A tad more than I would usually pay, but she was a sweet lady that gave me a bunch of foam for free (well, I guess I paid for it, but whatev, right?)

Here they are. I'm kind of afraid to show you, because, honestly I don't know how I feel about them yet. It's a struggle. I had all this red ticking fabric left over and I put it on the cushions and now, I just don't know?!

I kind of feel like they belong in an ice cream shop? Yes? No? I mean, I like them and I think they look great, but would you buy them?

Okay, enough of my insecurities...

Here's a close up of one of them:

Lay it on me....what do you think? I can take it. I think.


  1. Honestly, I think the fabric makes them look kinda outdated. I love the white frames, but think maybe a more vibrant color, or a neutral would be better.

  2. I can't get over the turquoise, white, lime fabric from the other chairs you recently did. I love it so much that I think you should never, ever cover a chair in anything else. The red ticking is OK, but I'm used to bolder fabrics from you ... and maybe you are, too. Maybe that's what's bothering you a little bit. But I think they ARE buyable! I bet someone will love them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. They look nice but I almost think the chairs need to be a different color for the red ticking to work. I know what you mean. I have painted my lamps a few times and made different shades to go with them in an attempt to "get it right"!! Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't!!

  5. I love the paint but honestly I think the fabric looks kind of blah. Especially compared the fabric the other day which was pretty much amazing.

    You could always try to sell them, and if they don't sell, recover them.

  6. I'm thinking yellow paint with the ticking.

  7. How about painting the chairse (light) turquoise? Red and turquoise look nice together, and maybe that's the punch of color the cushions need to stand out more. Just a suggestion!

  8. I love the chairs, but I think a different fabric would do the trick and you would be happier with them. I love the color, so I would not change that. I think changing the fabric would be easier. Love & blessings from NC!

  9. Love the chairs but not my favorite fabric I'm more of a black and white girl. I do love the style of chairs with the white paint.

  10. I love the chairs - but, yeah, the fabric just doesn't do it for me. I think something with a lot of blue in it would look really great!

  11. Red ticking is boring. Recover those seats asap!!

  12. On a positive note. . . You do a wonderful job on your transformations!

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  14. I think they're beautiful, and if I had a spot for them I'd buy them!

  15. I love what you did with the frames. I think the fabric looks good too; it just depends what the buyer or user is looking for. The fabric is a bit understated compared to what you normally do so that might be why you are uncertain about it. Look forward to seeing how you move forward....

  16. Oh, you guys! I knew I would get honest answers from you! Thank you for the suggestions and for the support. This was my last project before I went on vacation and I was struggling so much! But I'm back. And those chairs along with the table are going to look great! I can't wait to show you!
