Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gus is 1.

Happy Birthday Tiny G. Gus turned one on May 29th. We had a big party. You can read about it here. I know you want to.

I thought I would do a year of pictures. Just one for each month. Nothing fancy, just real life photos. With a little commentary thrown in.

There's something about his eyes....Do you see it? It's like you can see right into the depths of his soul.

newborn - he had gas. The only reason for his smile. And look at all that hair!

one month - still hair. He fell over the second I snapped this shot.

PS - the chair in the background is our favorite garage sale find - EVER - fifty bucks for a leather recliner. I bought it the weekend we moved into our very first house. I was supposed to be painting, but got sidetracked...

Chubby cheeks on that one!

two months

three months

four months - Seriously. Those eyes. I'm dying. They match that denim and the hat and sweater perfectly!

five months - Gramps was visiting. See that big scratch? Not my fault. One of the dogs took a flying leap over Tiny G's head, and didn't quite make it. He wailed.

six months - I mean really. Torturing myself with baby cuteness.

seven months

eight months - He got tubes put in this day. He rocked. We even went shopping later.

nine months - DYYYINNGGG....Don't you just want to take a bite out of his cheeks?

ten months - My fav. Look at those eyes! I didn't edit this photo at all. Can you believe it?! He's killin' me. And of course he's eating bacon. He's definitely a member of this family. They all love their meat.

eleven months - Hey mom?! I need a haircut!

twelve months. OMG. Oh.Em.Gee. Pudgy fingers, pudgy'd think he was actually on the growth chart....nope. Tiny G.

He's a dream. Love him to death and couldn't imagine our family without him. Looking at these pictures makes me want another one. Better not tell hubby.


  1. How did you create that column on the side where you have sayings from your child? That is really creative!

  2. Happy Birthday to your little sweetie! What a doll, and such a precious time.. the first year is golden.

  3. Uh, just adorable. I love the bacon pic:-)

  4. Happy Birthday little guy!!! I LOVE the picture of him eating the bacon! Those eyes are to die for!!! He so darn cute!!!

  5. He's seriously the cutest ever!! Happy birthday little are beautiful and you have a great Mama!!!

  6. Happy Birthday Little Gus (by the way, could he have a cuter name??)! I can't decide if my favorite is month 7,10, or 12. He is beautiful!

  7. precious pics! my favorite is his 1 month old pic with his adorable grin!

  8. I truly believe values are instilled in our children by the time they are 4 or 5. Keep up the good work! Love and cherish and mold them. Our girls need great guys.

  9. He's super cute! Happy Birthday!

