Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mom Ramblings #10

Another edition of my random thoughts.

1. I've convince Porter that it is cool to buckle his brother into his seat. Now I only have one kid to buckle up and I don't have to climb into the back of the van to get to the other two! Hooray for trickery.

2. I asked Jack not to play with something and he suggested that I "put it up so I can't reach it and play with it." Ha. Clever fella.

3. I've got baby fever. FEVER. Gus gave up bottles. He's a sippy cup kid now. And, he took two steps while holding onto something. And he's at the point where he won't want to sit down. He wants to be holding onto your hands and walking. All. The. Time. I'm dying.

4. I made a poor choice on a kitchen sink when we first moved in and now I'm kicking myself as we are looking at replacing it, again. Hint: Acrylic sinks get scratched and dirty. Stay away.

5. I miss my mommy.

6. It's always so joyful to watch my boys giggle together. The other day, during naps mind you, they were playing "camping" in the guest bedroom closet. They were quiet and having fun, and I didn't have the heart to make them stop. They went to bed early.

7. I ordered two swim suits from Athleta. Hopefully one of them works! My first real swimsuit in years. I was considering a fashion show for all of you, but decided my neighbors and those at the pool will only be lucky enough to see me in my bathing suit. Oh and the thousands watching if I ever decide on a triathlon to do.

8. Mother's day was full of yard work. Apparently it was my gift to chain saw the dead trees, move rocks, roto-till a small garden and plant flowers, oh and fill giant holes. It was actually quite a fantastic day and we got a ton of stuff done. And I can't move a single muscle in my body. In fact, it hurts my fingers to type.

9. My eyelashes have decided to revolt against the brand of mascara that I've been using for the past few years. Every time I wear it I end up looking like I have a terrible rash and sunburned eyelids. Guess it's time to find a new brand. Any suggestions on hypoallergenic mascara? Do they even make that? "They" being the fancy make-up people.

10. T just asked me what the point of the umbrella is in those fancy drinks. I thought he was making a joke. He really wanted to know. He's a whiskey-water guy. Not a frou-frou drink guy. Weirdo.

11. I'm having an MRI on Thursday night for my knee. The doctor wants to rule out a torn meniscus. I'm pretty sure that it isn't that and it's just an IT Band issue, which would only require daily massages (bummer) and a shot of something fancy and numbing (double bummer). Of course a torn meniscus requires surgery. And an ugly knee brace. And a stay in the hospital. And crutches. And I'm pretty sure those clash with my new swim suit. And that's why I think it is my IT Band. I'll find out Thursday. But I won't be able to report right away, as I have severe claustrophobia in the MRI machine (I'll tell you my first encounter another time) and will be ingesting a small amount of a very calming legal drug to keep myself calm....

12. If I can't run this marathon in October I will be very angry that I spent $130 on the race and I can't even do it!


  1. Oh, I hope it is an easy fix and doesn't require surgery!

    Wait, I guess I should introduce myself first! Hi, I'm Jennifer! :) I've been reading your blog for a few weeks and I LOVE the work you do! You've got me tempted to try my first ever redo (we have a very ugly chest of drawers in our bedroom). Anyway, just thought I'd say hello!

  2. Yes they make hypoallergenic mascara! Most of the organic makeup is really good ..
    Clinique, Almay, and Physicians Formula are fragrance free and hypo-allergenic. Bee-Luscious is what I swear by but I really like Clinique's stuff too.
