Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Giant Paper Ball

I've been wanting to do a craft and I thought this would be quick and easy. I think I am going to hang these up around the house for Tiny G's big birthday weekend. so I wanted to get an idea of what this would look like and how many I think I will need. I think it is fantastic and totally easy. Well, relatively.

Here's my version of the ginormous tissue paper ball.

Gather necessities. Tissue paper. I chose white green and blue.

Fold about 10 sheets of paper accordion style. So it ends up like this:

Then trim the ends. For this one I did a pointed end. And then wrap one of those wire thingies around the middle. All I had was purple. Ah, oh well. Use what you have. I'm sure something else would work too. Bubblegum wrapper. Floss. Jute. Hair tie.

Then spread it out and start pulling the sheets apart.

Be careful not to rip the sheets of paper. Be so very gentle with the very fine tissue paper. It's sensitive.

And there it is in all its glory. I think I'm going to hang them from the ceiling from fishing wire. Love it!

Ooohh....look at those walls....notice anything? I'll fill you in tomorrow.


  1. I was just thinking "Did she paint the walls?"

  2. Someone's been busy painting! Love the color on the walls. Is it blue or gray or blue/gray or gray/blue? It looks great with the cabinets. Your balls are cute too :)

  3. Awesome! Did you do other ones in different colors then? Is it just my eyes playing tricks on me? This one looks just white. I'm sorry---I'm tired today! :)

    I'd love for you to check out my blog for a CSN give away! Have a wonderful day! alittleknickknack.blogspot.com

  4. Anita - You'll find out tomorrow!

    Meg - I haven't done the other colors yet. Just the white so far! You aren't going crazy!

  5. might make some of these for my girls rooms, thanks for that!
