Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mom Ramblings #9

1.  I love my kids, but if one of them asks me to wipe their bottom again, walks through my flowers, or fights over a stinkin' McDonald's toy again, I may lose it.

2. Tiny G has 4 teeth coming in, cut, bleeding gums.... needless to say, we have about 4 diarrhea diapers a day, he chews on my cheek, he is loaded with tylenol and I may or may not have given him benadryl to get him to sleep a little last night.

3. I'm not going to lie - number three got deleted because I'm not ready to go'll know when I am.

4. I keep trying to go clothes and shoe shopping for myself with all three boys in tow. I must be absolutely nutty.

5. Dandelions are the bane of my summer existence. I can't stand them. I need a new tactic. Anyone got any ideas? We have a huge field behind us and live on top of a hill. The windiest spot in the state.

6. If I change one more thing in my house, I may be a single mother.

7. I better stop changing things. Guess I can't change another poopy diaper. Seriously. Ohmygawd.

8. I need a new swimsuit. Where do people buy them? I haven't gotten a real one in many, many years. I will tell you I won't be in a teensy-tiny teeny-weenie yellow polka dot bikini, I have had three kids, you know. And to those of you that have had three or more kids and can wear that bikini - you suck. Yeah for you!

9. I didn't skip 9 this time :)

10. Today is Earth Day. Hurray for the Earth. Be good to it. Hurray to Target for giving out a free reusable tote. Hurray for me remembering to bring it every time we go. Which we all know is every other day - if you don't go that often you are so lying!

11. That's it.


  1. My favorite is number 8, sorry hun... it never ends. Do they make bathing suits with a spanx built in.

  2. Oh Kirsty, I had to laugh. I feel your frustration, I really do! It's been a while since I've wiped poopy butts but I am still cleaning up messes, just a different kind. #4, really nutty! They crawl under the stalls and peak at other half naked women who aren't all too thrilled. I would rather buy, try on at home and then return stuff later. #8, try They have great fitting suits that don't ride up. Maybe not the most variety for styles but they fit well, have great customer service too. Oh, and think about a tankini. Because you don't want to have to go to the bathroom wearing a one piece with a kid in the stall with you who talks way too loud and wants to know why your boobies look like that. Just saying.

  3. I think I read that spanx IS making a suit, Lori. Will asked if we can have a cake for Earth Day, any excuse for a party for that kid. Kirsten, I remember you asking the same thing about swimsuits last year! I always get mine at J Crew. I'm also curious as to what #3 is, I hate suspense.

  4. OK, I was just crying, reading someone else's blog about their love affair with their home and feeling sorry for myself because I don't have one - love affair with a home that is. And then I forced myself to get off that blog and ran to yours. Now I'm smiling and laughing and breathing again. And feeling just fine!

    You have that special touch!

  5. I got my (non-super-skinny-girl) suit at Target last year. You know, since you'll already be there...

    I hope it turns into a good day for you! I had a rough day with my boys yesterday, so I'm with you. Except that you have one more. :-)

  6. Check out the swim suits at Target. I get mine there every year! I don't have kids but you would never know that looking at me! ;)

    They are pretty decent quality and not overly priced!


  7. Great post...makes me feel right at home :)

  8. *sigh* That's all I have to say. And we need a drink.

  9. You don't know me, but I love your blog! I love LANDSEND for swimsuits. A little pricey, but worth every PENNY!!

  10. If you want a nice suit that will last try athleta. Landsend is OK but very "mom"ish IMO. Also doesn't fit smaller sizes well. Athleta suits are nice and thick and tons of variety.
