Friday, April 2, 2010

Mom Ramblings #7

1. Someone sent me a message about spray paint guns and such, and I can't find the email....if you sent it to me, please send it again - I'm suffering here because I can't remember for the life of me if I responded or if I just left you hanging....please help my poor memory and do me this tiny favor.

2. Finally feeling better. Thank goodness. It's not fun to be puking and trying to take care of kids while the hubby is out of town....Yuck.

3. These were in our yard yesterday. They just popped up. I totally forgot that I planted them last spring. So glad I did!

4. Pulled the plug on Gus. So far, it's been okay. I caved this morning and gave it to him at 5:30 AM ! Just to try and get an extra hour of sleep. It fell on the floor, but he seemed to be fine with it there. I got to sleep for an extra hour!

5. Yesterday while not feeling well, Jack decided to be a little terror and ran into the street. Picture this: Nearly three year old in jeans and cowboy boots holding pants up while he runs because his pants don't fit. He is giggling as he runs and I am in my pajamas and no shoes trying to get him. Argghh! Rascal.

6. You are not going to believe what I put up in the laundry room. Can't wait to show you!

7. And the backsplash! I'll show you tomorrow.


  1. Hope today is a feel good, joy filled day for you with no little runs running into the road and no puking. :)


  2. Sounds like we have had similar days. Sorry you haven't felt well. Can't wait to see the backsplash!

  3. Oh, I hope you are better! and I can't wait to see the Laundry room and the backsplash. I can just picture that little guy holding his pants up and running...this is why you have kids when you're young, so you can keep up with them!
    Happy Easter! Sherry
