Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jack turns 3!

Today this little dude turns 3. THREE! It's hard to believe. Jack-Jack as we call him, is the most amazing child. Besides being as smart as can be - he can already count to 14 - he is funny, friendly and fantastic. He has been potty trained since just after he turned 2. He makes me want to scream sometimes, but at the end of the day, I have to smile over something silly that he did or something funny he said.

I won't lie, he is also T-R-O-U-B-L-E. I mean look at him:

This photo was taken last week. Last week was the first week of April. Ummm...although it was 80, he refused to wear a shirt and only wears "cowboy shoes". The ones in this photo are a little too small for him. So, his grandparents sent him these:

He refuses to take the boots off. He even naps with them on. I finally got them off of him tonight, but they are perched next to his bed. Lined up neatly and evenly with the bed.

(Look at that face! That dimple - Oh boy! Seriously, he could charm the pants off you.)

Jack's personality is clear. He is outgoing, goofy, smart, silly, stubborn, smart, have I mentioned that? He adores chocolate and would eat it all day if he could (wonder where he gets that?) He is sneaky and he loves to hide treats. He looks a little like my Uncle Steve, he's got my legs, poor kid, and a dimple to-die-for, see that belly? That's all his dad.

He got a new bike too.

Just so that he can keep up with his brother. He loves it. He is so over his trike. That is so last week.

He also got a Leapster from his Grandpa and once he figures out how to turn it on, he'll be golden. Although, he loves to carry it around and look "like Potur..." (Porter).

Jack-Jack, we love you. We can't imagine our family without you. Thank you for keeping things hoppin' around here!


  1. How sweet! He is adorable! Give him a birthday hug and kiss from all of us in blogland. :)

  2. You make some seriously cute kids! Happy Birthday Jack! He sounds like my middle son who I used to call my strong willed child! Who am I kidding, he's 21 now and still strong willed :) But the best hugger ever!

  3. Happy Birthday lil dude! And those boots are fab, what kid would really want to take them off? Hck I want some..lol
