Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Look what I found at GW!

Sure would love to know how much they originally were! Anyone know how to search that? They aren't on the current Thomasville site. I would love to keep them this wonderful color but there is this:
And I've got this sunny vision. So, I'm going to paint them YELLOW and cover them in this:

And that's exactly what I did:


The color is Rustoleum Strawflower in Satin. The trim around the back is NAVY!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how they turned out.

AND, just wait until you see what I've done with this:

It's actually upside down here. It's got a crackle on it that I'm not crazy about, but I'm testing something with it:

Don't freak out. It's going to be awesome!

Metamorphosis Monday
Make it for Monday
Power of Paint
Transformation Thursday
Furniture Feature Friday


  1. Really? You found more cute chairs? And at GW! And I suppose you paid what...I need to know, so I can be fully jealous! They look so cute. I do have this stuff I use on wood called Kramer's Best Antique Improver. Works wonders. Have you tried it?

  2. My GW just seems so overpriced anymore that I rarely go in! Can't wait to see what the hutch turns out like!!!! I love me all things crackle!

  3. Ok... I go in GW regularly and there is never anything w/potential. Seriously, it is rows and rows of ellipticals! Great find & great work!


  4. What an awesome Goodwill find! And I love the remake. You did a fabulous job!

  5. Wow! They look so cute afterwards!

    I'm excited to see what you do with that china cabinet.

    And I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog! I love getting to know your family and seeing your creations! You inspire me!

  6. Those chairs are freakin awesome! I love the punchy fabric. I am dying to see what you end up doing with the spackled piece.

  7. A. Mazing.
    Can't wait to see what you do with item number two there...

  8. AMazing job!! You must have a huge house to fit all your fabulous refurbished finds! Very inspiring.

  9. Amazing. Will you sell them or do you have room for them in your house?

  10. Great transformation! I love them! I enjoy perusing my GW store but I typically find good deals on clothing and accessories only. The prices for furniture are generally quite high.

    There is a much larger one I've been meaning to go to, now you've inspired me to check it out.

    If you don't mind me asking, how much were the chairs? I love hearing about great deals!

  11. I love them! Cant wait till I move into the next house, and I can go garage sale shopping and repurposing!

  12. I WANT! Those chairs are perfect. Sell them to me? I am serious.... DUCK

  13. Those chairs are so fun! Great job!

  14. Your chairs sure turned out so bright and cheery! Good Job! Joni
