Friday, March 5, 2010

Sick and Happy.

Yesterday, (well today, because that's when I'm writing it) I woke up feeling crappy. Headache, belly ache, body aches, yucky. I still had to function because, Mom doesn't get a day sucked. It still sucks.

But, things perked up a little when I went to Walgreens to get some medicine and some magazines for my trip next week.....guess what I found, right at my local Walgreens?

Yep, that's right. I splurged and bought four. I'm giving them as gifts to my sisters (oops, guess they know now) and my bff (guess she knows now too!). I was so excited. Especially because I had Tom look in Chicago when he was there this week and I called 4 different B&N Bookstores here and in Minneapolis and they were all sold out. I was going to wait and read it on the plane, but I couldn't stand it any longer and I browsed through it a little.
Then, when we got back from Walgreens THESE were sitting on the doorstep:


Oh yes. My bowls I rewarded myself with. So awesome. I even used one already!


And for those of you wondering we also received our extra darts for our shooty guns. The boys were thrilled to open them and we've already been hunting for bears.
So, I still feel crappy, but I also feel happy! I'm happy-crappy. It's the best of both worlds, really.

What a day.


  1. I still need to go check that mag out!

  2. Sorry you're feeling crappy, hope it goes away:( Moms should get sick days too. I will be imagining all the fun, glamorous things you'll be doing in NYC next week while you're there. Say hi to Sara Brown for me this is what I always call her in my head, by her first and last name. Actually, I always say little Sara Brown, hehe.

  3. Are those Texasware bowls? Love them. Where did you find them?

  4. I still haven't found that magazine, going by my Walgreen's today!!

  5. Kirsty, So glad you found the happy in the crappy! It was my happy day this week when I found the magazine. Can't stop looking at it. I love the colorful bowls too. Feel better! Sherry

  6. Kirsty, So glad you found the happy in the crappy! It was my happy day this week when I found the magazine. Can't stop looking at it. I love the colorful bowls too. Feel better! Sherry

  7. I didn't know they had such a magazine! I must subscribe!!!

    Can you really take down a bear with plastic darts?? Awesome.

    Hope you feel better, soon! Get some good rest this weekend!

  8. Leah - will do!

    Jennifer - they are Martha Stewart bowls. I'm hoping they make me cook like her....I ordered them from Amazon, but you can get them at Macy's.

    Darla - Bears go down easy when your dart is laced with magic powder!

  9. I LOVE that magazine and finally found mine on Thursday! I've been waiting for it a while now.

    Your bowls are lovely. I need new bowls...

    Hope you are feeling much better soon.

  10. Seems that there are smiles all around! And I need those bowls, they are soooo colorful :o)
