Saturday, March 13, 2010

Anthropologie Inspired Goodness

Sometimes I feel as if I'm bragging a little.  I mean, I have this fantastic GW that has some great stuff and I write about all the crazy ways I make them look pretty. Is that too much? Is that bragging? Well, if it is then so be it. Hopefully someone can learn something from my mistakes and gain some inspiration from my work. I just can't stop making things over!

Here's the crazy hutch. I got this for $32. I didn't even bat an eyelash when I saw it. I just grabbed the tag. And then I asked Tom to go back and get it!

It's yellow with hunter green crackle underneath. 

First I was going to sand it all down and repaint. Then I saw this little cabinet over at Blue Cricket Design and I figured I might as well try.
I love the look of crackle, just not crazy about the multi-color crackle effect. So I painted over the edges in black and then painted the whole thing Heirloom White. 

I changed out the hardware with some ORB knobs I got on clearance at Target (BTW - are they getting rid of their knobs, etc?)

I also took out the glass from the doors. It just wasn't doing it for me. I sprayed the hinges ORB and then sanded them a little too. Of course, I put the hinges on the wrong way...twice. And then realized that some of the screws were smaller for a reason...but it didn't change the look of the hutch at all! Thank goodness!

I imagine this in Anthropologie overflowing with aprons from Anne at Get Your Martha On and skirts and a bowl full of crystal knobs. Or at Urban Outfitter filled to the brim with you hear me Anthro? Urban? Want it? I will sell it to you for a very expensive price...

I sanded the edges and the fronts of the decorative thingies. And then went over some areas with Ralph Lauren Smoke Glaze. 



I love how it turned out! 


  1. Me too! Love it-and keep the GW stories coming!

  2. It CAN be full of my aprons if you just give it to me. ;)

  3. Muy Bueno!! You must have the one GW with great deals. Mine is almost always overpriced, with a rare great deal mixed in once in a great while. :( This hutch is gorge!!!

  4. wow, it's beautiful! I wish I could find something like that at my Goodwill.

  5. OK, your GW is way better than mine... but this peace is beautiful. I'd be bragging too.

  6. Love it! BTW-our target here stopped carrying knobs a few years ago. it turned out beautiful!

  7. Gosh that turned out great! I want to go to your GW! So, you didn't get rid of any of the old crackle? It just looks so heavily crackled in the before and now it just looks aged! Did you spray or roll? I'm amazed!

  8. Forgot to it a keeper or a seller?

  9. Keep sharing your creativity. You know we want to see it...

  10. Ahhmaazing! Love the ORB knobs on it. Looks so amazing and pops against the white. I decided while reading this post that I need a big impressive hutch! I'm on the hunt starting NOW!

  11. This turned out great! It doesn't even need napkins and placemats and aprons spilling out :)


  12. Anita - I sprayed it. I could have rolled it, but I am such a spray paint fan, it's just so easy!

    I wanted it to be a keeper. I so did. It is looking beautiful in our front room!

    But, alas, it's sold. She's coming to get it this week. I can enjoy it for a little while longer!

  13. It turned out great! I like hearing about furniture finds at GW, it gives me hope that maybe something good will turn up at mine!

  14. Great job on the piece. I love that you shared your glaze color. I will look that one up. Might have to stock up on knobs too.

  15. I wish my GW had such terrific finds. Love what you did.

  16. Well done! And I think $32 was a great price for it!

  17. love love love hutches from the goodwill. They're like margaritas, can never have enough.. er... :)

    great job!

  18. SCORE! Glad you scoped it up at that price. LOVE IT!

  19. You really transformed that.
    It is a fabulous friday favorite~

  20. The lines of your hutch are so elegant. You chose well and redid it so beautifully. Hope you'll have a minute to stop by and see some furniture and other stuff on our Architectural Digest Home Design show tour. -- Jane F.

  21. Your hutch turned out beautifully! Absolutely gorgeous...Theresa

  22. Kirsty- It's gorgeous!
    I just love it!

  23. Wow - I love it!! I could totally see it in Anthro/Urban. Great job!!

  24. awesome job! $32???? of course you took it!!

    well done!


  25. I have never seen anyone with an eye like can look at a piece and envision what color and texture it needs in order to be its best. Amazing and creative.
