Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Favorite kids books

We read to the boys every night. Unless of course something comes up and they have stayed up too late. When Tom is home he reads to them, and when he's gone it's my turn. I love that they love books. Porter could read forever and Jack will talk about every single thing on each page and pretend to eat each item. Strange kid, that one.
So, I have a few. Just a few. I think I'll post them on the sidebar too, when I think of more, I'll just keep adding...

I love this book and actually cannot get through it without sobbing. Ugly sob. My mom gave it to me....ugly sobbing happening even now...but I adore this book.

How awesome would it be to be able to leave your kids home with the dog?!

All the Llama llama books are great. So fun to read.





I loved this book as a kid. We read it so often that it fell apart....see I remember some things....

PS - I borrowed all these book covers from www.barnesandnoble.com.


  1. Oh my goodness. "Love You Forever" is such a beautiful book. Makes me cry every time, too.

    A few years ago I gave a copy to a friend who had lost a family member.

  2. I love all those books! Another favorite or mine is "Just in Case You Ever Wonder" by Max Lucado. I love all the Llama Llama books too. You have a great list going here!

  3. My mom gave each of her kids a copy of "Love you Forever" for Valentine's day one year...so great! I also fell in love with "love you through and through" while reading it to my little one...1st book that he would "read" with me. Right now he is obsessed with "Truck Town" books..."Smash Crash" is his favorite. Thanks for the book list...love new ideas of books for bedtime.

  4. My kids are older now so I don't recognize any of these books!! Sob... We read every night, too. Sometimes I had to read the same book over and over to Emily to the point where she had it memorized and 'read' with me. It was spooky because she was just learning to talk!

    Enjoy every minute, Kirsty!! :-)


  5. Aww.... "love you forever" is a wonderful book!
    i cry and cry and cry too whenever i read it!

    the monster at the end... is a great one that always reminds me of my brother because that was one of his favs when he was little!

    i am right now googling the rest of them

  6. I LOOOOOVE the "love you forever"
    my mom read that to me as a child almost every night. Last year my mom got VERY sick and I purchased two rings from Etsy one for me saying "forever" and one for her saying "always"
    people often ask when i respond that its a book they just dont get it. but I was an only child and this book meant alot between me and her.

    For those of you who havent read it. READ IT! its amazing!

  7. My first visit via Someday Crafts. Loved reading your profile in the upper left. I, too, was a marketing director, AVP, decision-maker for many before I left that to stay at home. Love photography and trying to learn more everyday. I'll be back soon to visit.

    But, since you are book lover/reader to your children as we are...any hints for Christmas stories to be on the lookout for next year? We have several on your list today, so it seems we have the same taste.

    Thanks for any recommendations, if you have the time.

  8. The Monster At The End of This Book was probably one of my absolute favorites growing up. I adored it! I also had a book where Grover acted out the alphabet, which was another favorite. -sigh- I miss them!

  9. Stephanie - my mom gave me Love you Forever when my first son was born and she passed away 9 months later, so your story touched my heart. I love that you did that with the rings.

    Monika - your family is adorable! I put together another post with some other books that include 3 or 4 Christmas stories.

    If anyone thinks of more books to add to the list let me know and I'll add them!

  10. I just had to say those are some of my favorite books for my little guy! I bought him his first llama book when I was pregnant...he still loves them! :) I also love Mrs. Wishy Washy books...must be the kindergarten teacher in me! :)
