Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I found this at GW the other day. It was $14.99. For that, I couldn't say no. It was missing a top, but that didn't stop me. I figured I could find something to put on top.


I went to HD looking for a scrap piece of MDF because the stuff we had at home didn't fit, of course. They didn't have any, but the guy working went up and found a beat up piece that he could damage out so he gave it to me for $4.01. And he even cut it to my exact measurements. 

The top of the credenza (that's what I'm going to call it, 'cause I'm fancy like that) had dowels in it, so I just sawed them off and then screwed the top in from the bottom. 

I wanted to paint it silver, but I was too afraid. So I painted it slate blue. And put on some good ole' Ralph Lauren Smoke Glaze. Love, love, love.


The top two pictures are during the day, that's the true color. The next two are from around 5 pm. Booo for no light....

I may have to sell it. If I bring home one more piece of furniture I may end up on the street...living in the furniture...

(Nighttime photo)

 (Daytime Photo)

Sharing with:

Metamorphosis Monday
Make it for Monday
Power of Paint
Transformation Thursday
Furniture Feature Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Saturday Night Special


  1. I hear that. I'm like the cat lady only I bring home stray furniture, not cats. Good thing my other half is such a good sport. Don't know how much more he will put up with though. But, what's a girl to do?

  2. I love what you did to your goodwill find. I have always wanted to paint a piece a furniture a color other than black or white, but I am too chicken to do it. It would be such a shame if you had to part ways with her now, but I understand too well that there is only so much space in one's abode. Thanks for sharing your wonderful transformation!

  3. I never have that sort of luck at GW. :-(

    You are so incredibly handy! I wouldn't have stopped at a piece without a top. It looks fantastic!! Keep it!!


  4. It turned out great! I can't believe your GW charged so much for it. I've been blessed with a dirt cheap one- if something came in that banged up AND missing parts, it would have been $3 or less.

    Great remake on it!

    Please feel free to link your project up with my Talented Tuesday Link party on My Frugal Family, found at theherberfamily.blogspot.com!

    Hope to see you there!

  5. $14.99?!!?? incredible transformation! love the new color and slightly distressed look. you've got serious talent, girly.

    (and i laughed about your last comment. i can relate all too well to the addiction of thrifting/rehabbing and bringing home way too much for the space you've got) :)

  6. OMG!!!
    I am so impressed! I have been going to my goodwill, and feeling inspired from your blog...I am not finding what you are!!!
    You need to sell anything-I am your girl! My hubby travels to WI for business, and he may complain, but I can send him your way!!!
    You, my friend, get a standing O-Anther great job!!!

  7. That is GORGEOUS!!! You have to keep it :). I may be living on the streets with you if I buy any more furniture too. Hubby says no more! Boo!! Party poopers...

  8. I love it! Looks beautiful, great find, and great work too

  9. You did a great job with that great find.

  10. That is gorgeous and I never would have thought of the blue paint or the smoke glaze trim. It certainly would be difficult to part with such a pretty piece of furniture!

  11. I love that smoky blue. Do you happen to still have the name of it?

    Have a good evening, Lynea

  12. Yep. It's Rustoleum Slate Blue spray paint. Then I used the Ralph Lauren Smoke glaze on the edges.
    I love that blue too!

    And I'm keeping the credenza! Yippeee!

  13. SO gorgeous Kirsty!! I love that blue color. I need to be brave once in a while and branch out from my usual Heirloom White. I'm always scared of anything that isn't neutral...how boring am I?

  14. I never think to ask HD if they have ruined stuff, what the heck!? I am so going to do that now! The cradenza looks great!! Also, I wanted to tell you that I have pictures up of my ORB knobs you inspired me to paint :) :) Here is the link http://www.justforrachel.com/2010/02/i-love-my-new-knobs.html

  15. such a great find... and I love the finish you put on it!


  16. wow, it looks great! Love that color.

  17. I love the new look of your credenza! Great color.

  18. Wonderful piece & you did a great job! I'm right there with you on bringing home furniture...if you're out on the street at least you'll have an awesome find to live in!

  19. For 14.99 I don't think I could have said no either! Love the color and what a nice storage piece!

  20. That looks gorgeous, I really love the color. Goodwill is the best! I read your profile, I have 3 boys also but they're big now..sniffle sniffle:( But I love being a boy mom!

  21. You did a great job with that sweet ol' find!

    Happy March!

    : )

    Julie M.

  22. Great make over! Love the blue gray color.


  23. HOw Stinkin' CUTE! I love it so much! Great Job!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  24. looks so amazing!! The color is my fav!!

    I'm hosting a giveaway @ my blog...stop by and check it out!


  25. It turned out great! It looks like there might be a bunch of us out on the streets living in some pretty amazing furniture at some point soon :) I also need to start selling some of these things that I'm redoing so that I can feed the addiction.

  26. My hubby has TOTALLY grounded me from buying even one more piece of furniture, so I understand your dilemma.. but let me say - you had NO choice in buying that piece - no choice. Your hubby will just have to understand after seeing it complete - that fate had a hand in this one! ;) I love it! Great color choice!

  27. i too know the feeling of bringing home more furniture, LOL. What a great find and the color is absolutely gorgeous! Nicely done!

  28. Shut the front door! That piece is beautiful!! I love the blure color you used, and the knobs too. You did a wonderful job. And my hubby can sypathize w/ yours. He has threatened me a few times :o)

  29. LOVE it! That color is so beautiful! I am the same way -- always bringing home more furniture than I have time/room for. My husband is always "threatening" (lol) that I can't bring anything else home, too! Luckily he is pretty patient with me!

  30. Oh wow! I love that color. Your chest looks like it came straight from a catalog! Great makeover! Lisa

  31. Oh wow... beautiful!! I *love* the blue with the glaze, it really adds to it! Great makeover!

  32. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that! The color is amazing! I need to be more brave and put some color in my life! I've been inspired. Thank you!

  33. I love the way your piece turned out. I found a piece at GW that I need to paint. I want to do it yellow but I'm kinda chicken....

  34. Good vision, great color! Lezlee

  35. It's so pretty and I love the color! The glass knobs are such a great touch as well. Nice work on this piece.
