Friday, January 22, 2010

Makin' a train...

This dude made a train. And he was finally smiling. You see, he has a sinus infection. And the other two, well, the little guy has one too. But he's gettin' better. And this dude's big brother, well he woke up with a sore neck. Don't you hate that?! Sleeping wrong and waking up not being able to turn your head...ouch. But, oh, add swollen glands and you have to miss school and cry in pain... all. day. long...(I digress) But, he has strep, so I'll give him a pass. Yep. We've been in our house for a week now. Only going out to go to the doctor....but, we're still happy!

Today, instead of doing this:

 We did this:

And I ate these:

And only shared two.

I also tried to do this:

Okay, I didn't try. I did it. And it was fun and super easy. I've seen them all over the world wide web. But, I haven't really seen anyone share how to do it. So, here it is:

Go to Wally World (Walmart) and buy some clothespins. I think they were $2.50 for 50 of them. Then find your favorite paper.

...And cut it. It was hard to do. I nearly cried when I chopped up the last of my favorite paper. But, it looks so good! I used my sliding cutter. Easy. I eyeball things. A lot. So, just hold up the paper and make a mark, then cut the whole sheet. Next, figure out the other measurement and cut tiny pieces.

Then grab your mod podge and apply to the clothespin and then the paper and attach the paper to the clothespin. Then apply mod podge over the top again. I didn't get bubbles, I'm guessing because the paper and the area covered were so small.
You can do fancy things, paint, stain, sand the edges, but I liked how it looked all clean and neat.



Now you know. Or maybe you knew before, but whatev. I hope I can figure out what to do with them.


  1. You can send them to me, that's what you can do with them! I just saw a project that I need cute clothespins for.

  2. Oh my! Great minds think alike! I was just gathering supplies together to do these myself last night! I saw someone put little magnets on the back of them to use on the fridge to hang your children's artwork. There's an idea for ya! I can't wait to show you mine! Great job!

  3. ok-I just found your blog and I am wondering where you have been all my life? (so kidding-I am not a PSYCHO) I lve your blog, the inspiration mixed in with real life. A must read! Keep up the great work ! Have a fantastic weekend!

  4. I'm in love with these. Any way we could all put in for adding about 20 more hours to the day???

    Did you do both sides?
