Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our Home at Christmas

Christmas Tour of Homes with The Nester

Okay, I'm a joiner. But, I LOVE CHRISTMAS, so I'm going to post every single picture of every single thing we have out for Christmas because, my side of the family is going to Costa Rica (I don't even know if they are putting up a tree up there in the frigid tundra), so maybe they can live vicariously through us. I love Christmas. Generally we are pretty minimalist as far as home decor. You kind of have to be with little boys tearing through the house nonstop. But, at Christmas I love to bring everything out. I love the cluttered feeling and the warmth I get from having all of this "stuff" around. Now, believe-you-me, by January 2nd, I have nearly everything down because I start to feel claustrophobic! But, it's only the 14th! Yippee!

I'll just start with pics and then throw in some explanation along the way...

We got dumped on the other day, 12 inches of snow in one day. The kids love it, me, not so much.
It's too cold for me outside, so there are no pictures of the lights outside. Sorry kids. It looks nice though, garland, little trees, some lights. Cute.

On the back of our front door. There's a wreath on the front, but the storm door is all fogged it's freaking cold out.

I love this ball of, well balls. I just strung them on some jute and tied it to the door. We rarely use the front door, anyway. And they are plastic. Ornaments found at Goodwill for super cheap! (Shhh... I found out that our Goodwill buys things from a certain unnamed store for cheap and then sells them for cheap to the rest of us.) Go there. Today. No kidding.

That is the front door too. Love those snowflakes! What a deal at Target!

 This was Tom's idea. He's smart like that. It looks cool at night. Lights, Ikea ornaments, shiny-sparkly sticks. Cool.

There's me! I think I've had that sweater for 30 years. Seriously.
A 1x4, some burlap, and my Cricut, that's all I need. And this piece of paper, and this stick. That's it.

I love the staircase. I did the same thing with the ornaments here as the ball above. Ornaments, jute, done. Sadly it doesn't cover up the zip ties we use to keep the garland on the banister. If you put on your sober goggles and squint your eyes this picture won't be blurry...

BFF topiary. I heart that thing. It's here.

Another wreath. Except I think it's supposed to sit on the table with candles in the middle. Whatev.
 Another wreath. Those are fun!
 Okay, that's my second attempt at a tassel. Some things I'm just not great at. This is one of them. The other is those darn jute trees.

 That's Tucker, our Elf on the Shelf. He is magical. But, apparently not magical enough to make my children behave....

Sorry about the sun. When it snows that sun gets bright. That fat little Santa on the left is from my great aunt. I love it. Just made that last stocking on the right. It's for Baby G. You can see it better here.
Grab your goggles and squint your eyes...

 Berries in the Bathroom! Love berries.

Our tree theme is "favorites". Okay, I'm totally making that up. We have no theme. But, only our favorite ornaments are on the tree. Which makes it pretty minimalist as far as trees go. And, they are all hanging on the bottom-right. Because that's where the boys liked to put them. Oooh, I did take my crazy jute trees that I attempted and unraveled them and put them on the tree as garland....funny.

(The lights aren't out, T likes them blinking). Anything for him. We argued about light colors every year. Then we got a pre-lit fake tree. I won. Though, I think it still needs more lights.

That's about it. Nothing fancy. But, I love it.  Hope you liked our home tour!


  1. Looks great and to answer your question- the fireplace mantel is decoupaged with maps.

  2. Awww - you named your elf Tucker, and I think he's darling!

  3. Man I like your style! Great festive touches....not overwhelming, just cozy and homey. Perfection.

  4. Kirsty,
    Sweet JOY, and your other pics are so pretty.

    How do you like your cricut?
    which one do you have?


    barbara jean

  5. I love everything you did-Funny, we have an elf too....sometimes he forgets to fly around the house at night...and then there are tears...

    P.S. How did you get your titles to look like handwriting? I have been trying to do that-

  6. looks like we both like wreaths, signs, and pennant banners. i think we would have a great time together crafting or shopping.

    and let's talk about that spotless stovetop!!! impressive.
    have a lovely week.

  7. Love your garland and all the ornaments on your staircase!

  8. I love your "JOY" burlap ornament! Lovely. :)

  9. It's lovely and put together with love which makes it all the more beautiful, sweet chick. Pop over to visit my white, pink and roses tree! Squeeeeeal.

  10. So many gorgeous details- everything looks beautiful! Love love love that blue wreath!

    Merry Christmas!

  11. I think it is wonderful! I live in the frozen, frigid tundra of Canada and feel for you and the cold. I braved -25C (not F) for my outdoor pictures! I am stopping by from Nester's tour. If you want to see my blog entries of my tour you can click on the 'Christmas 2009' tag on the left sidebar of my blog. Merry Christmas! We are going skating today! It is only -15!
