Wednesday, December 16, 2009

An old chair becomes new.

Last week after taking Baby G to the doctor for the third day in a row, I did some Christmas shopping. My list consisted of going to Farm and Fleet. (It's like a Menard's, Home Depot or Lowe's but with clothes and toys, and some home goods.) Seriously. The boys are in heaven when they go there. So, Baby G and I headed there after his appointment to finally pick out some presents for the other two. Sadly, they were cleaned out, so I still had to go other places, BUT, Farm and Fleet is a block from my favorite Goodwill. So, I just had to stop. I mean, really, how could I not!
I found a few little things, and then I saw this chair, again.

I saw it last time I was there, which was seriously over a month ago last week yesterday and I really liked it, it just made me nervous to try that major of a renovation. I've done chair cushions before but not the backs. And I've done tufted buttons (Is that what they are called?) before too. Check out the ottoman. But, for $6.99 I figured if I had to trash it I wouldn't be out a huge amount of money.

Sometimes I wander around Goodwill in the furniture department until the workers bring out new stuff so I can hunt them down and grab the greatest find. I was wandering and found this fabric.

I think it was a curtain that someone made. I ran back over to the chair and grabbed that tag. And that was it. I had my chair planned in my head.

So, it sat for a few days. I just wasn't sure about tackling it. Yikes. But, then yesterday, I just started tearing it apart.

First I took the bottom cushion off. This is crazy, but it had square head screws and for some reason I just really like those. It makes it so easy to remove.

Then I ripped out the back. And when I say rip, I mean I took the pliers and pulled as hard as I could. The furniture assemblers use very strong staples. My hands hurt. Cleaned it with a little TSP. That stuff cleans everything!

Then I spray painted the chair. In the basement. Shhhhh....don't tell anyone. It's nice and open and airy down there. No picture so I don't have proof. But it is, really.

I let the cushions air out a little and while the chair was drying I recovered the cushion. It had tufted buttons on it, but I decided not to put buttons on the bottom for several reasons. One, it's a pain. Two, I haven't quite figured out how to get them to stay and three, I figured it would not be fun to sit on. So I stuffed the holes from the previous buttons with batting and went to town.
 Then I attacked the back.

 Okay. See that button and that little piece of fabric at the top that is sticking out. Don't let that happen. Those little button makers are so tiny....
I strung the buttons from the front to the back and then duct taped them on the back. Seriously. I just don't know how else to do it. I'm sure there is a real way, I just don't know. Then I stapled the front to the back. Then I took out all the staples. BECAUSE, that's not how it's supposed to be done. You are supposed to attach the fabric to the chair. Not the back of the cushion. Insert frustration and tears here. It wasn't THAT big of a deal. Just a bunch of wasted staples. 

The next step is to staple the fabric to the back of the chair. Then I trimmed the fabric as much as I could. Then stapled the front of the back to the chair. It's a little tough because you want to make sure to get the staples into the groove so they are hidden. And trimmed the fabric again.
Finally, I added some trim. I got this in the furniture reupholstery section at JoAnn's. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be covered in fabric or something, but I like the look of it the way it is. Plus it's all matchy.

It's bright and cheery and reminds me of summer. I love it. T actually really liked it. More than me, I think. I have extra fabric that I will be making pillows out of for our bedroom. I'm so excited. I have conquered my fear of reupholstering chairs. And it only cost me under $15! And now that I have this,

I can really learn to sew. Every wannabe sewer needs a sewing kit. And for ten bucks at JoAnn's a girl HAS to have one.

Linking this to Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage, SNS at Funky Junk , Cottage Instincts, Met Monday, and DIY Day because I just have to share and those ladies rock!


  1. Oh I love it! I am going to save this for when I FINALLY get around to doing ours!


  2. I made this comment on a previous post - but seriously, I strongly suggest you start a business with your transformations! You could easily do this in your 'spare' time after taking care of 4 little boys. (yes, I mean 4, including Tom)

  3. You did a great job!! Way to hang in there!

  4. Love it! It does look very summery and beachy. You did a wonderful job.

  5. That was one ugly chair, but you saw the beauty in it! Keep that attitude about everything and you will be transforming more than chairs!

  6. Nice! Where are you going to put it?

  7. Right now it's sitting in our family room. I like it there, but, it's destined for the basement. There isn't a single chair down there.

  8. I love this if you find another one you can do me one right? Seriously, you did a great job..


  9. Wow...that's what I call a transformation! That looks great! I love, love, LOVE the ticking fabric...nice job! ~Lisa

  10. Ticking is my fave! It totally transforms the look of the chair. You did a fabulous job and I appreciate the tute :)

    Thanks for linking up to Mi4M,

  11. This looks fabulous white and I love the ticking fabric! Great job! Happy Holidays!

  12. Ticking stripes are on of my favorites! This turned out great. I love The Goodwill Store!

  13. Beautiful job, and I love the fabric you chose! Yay!!!

  14. Oh, that turned out great! Talk about transformation!

  15. Are you kidding me? That chair was only $6.99? You would never find that where I live for that amount. Love the transformation!

  16. That does look very fresh. Nice job.

  17. Great job on the chair!! One day, I'll get brave and try one!! I've done a very tiny amount of re-upholstery. The trick to the tufting is easy peasy!! When you go to attach the buttons to the back of the chair, use strong twine. Loop it through the little shank on the back of the button, and then thread it through the hole where you want to tuft. You can get loooong upholsters needles at JoAnns. Use those to thread the twine through to the back. Then use a larger button you have hanging around and thread the twine through two of the eyes of the old button and pull gently until you get your tufting "just right." Then tie a couple of knots in it and maybe add some strong glue to the knots. And there you have it!! I've made many upholstered headboards, ottomans and cornice boards using this trick and none have come off so far.

  18. I am so impressed! You've inspired me! I have done a chair with only a butt cushion but not a back one. May have to try that. Nice job covering the old button holes with batting too.

  19. How darling this is a summer necessity, especially when you live by the beach!
