Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas. Truffles, truffles and more truffles...

This is a recipe that my aunt stole cut out of Redbook magazine about a zillion years ago. These are to.die.for. So yummy. I've made them on several occasions. We made about 400 for our wedding day as favors. People still talk about them and our wedding 9 years later, it was quite the event, if I do say so myself. I've also made them for Tom's work parties and some holidays, but I actually haven't made them for about 3 years....and so, I figured with my MIL's help we could make some this year.

Here's the recipe (it's been changed by me over the course of time to suit my needs), this makes raspberry truffles.

1 package cream cheese. I use the 1/3 less fat, no one knows the difference. Seriously.
A bunch of ground up Nilla Wafers. Okay. 1 Cup. (You can use the low fat ones here too.)
1 cup chocolate chips melted.
chocolate chips for dipping.

Mix your cream cheese and ground up wafers together. Then melt your 1 cup of chocolate chips in the microwave. Get it nice and smooth. Mix that with the cc and wafer concoction. Then put that in the fridge for awhile. Until it gets firm. Then take it out and roll it into balls. About 1 inch in diameter. Then put them on a cookie sheet or muffin tin and put them back in the freezer for awhile.

Melt some milk, semi-sweet or white chocolate. I only do a small amount at a time so it doesn't get hard and you don't burn the chocolate.

Get yourself one of these:

Another MIL stocking stuffer a few years ago. A tiny spatula from Williams Sonoma. It's perfect for this.

Throw a bunch of frozen balls in and coat them.

Then sprinkle.

When I make raspberry flavored, I use 1/4 cup raspberry jam. Then I sprinkle with red sugar can do peanut butter, caramel, anything really, just mix it in with the initial mixture before you put it in the fridge. You could also just roll it in copped nuts or coconut...the combinations are endless!

Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your time with your families. I will be out of town next week without cell phone or computer....ahhhh...what will I do?

I have several posts scheduled already. Don't you worry! It's like I won't even be gone.

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