Saturday, December 19, 2009

Celebrating a "Birfday".

Porter is so excited to open presents he can hardly contain himself. Fortunately he goes to a preschool in a church and they are helping to teach him the true meaning of Christmas. Yesterday he came home from school wearing a crown that said 'Happy Birthday Jesus'. He wants to make Jesus a birthday cake. Which I think is absolutely adorable. But, he can hardly wait to open all those presents under the tree. And of course, he's a brilliant child, so he knows all his letters and can tell us which ones are for him and which ones are for Jack.

Today I asked Jack, "What is Christmas about?" He says, "Toys". Ha! Then he said, "Nooooo, Jesus!" Imagine 2 year old Jack saying, "Jesus." It's so cute.

This morning's conversation with Porter:
Me: What is Christmas about?P: Jesus' Birfday.
Me: What did Jesus do for us?
P: He died.
P: And now he's in each of us. great is that?! Good thing we are paying for that high priced preschool!

1 comment:

  1. totally cute is that? Treasure them while they are young!!
